Caribou Gear Tarp

Wanna hunt wild bison?

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Well screw you...

Senator John Brenden has introduced SB 135. This bill would require the immediate slaughter of all bison that test positive for Brucellosis in the state of Montana, including Yellowstone Bison that enter the state.

Bison that test negative are to be immediately sold. Not hunted, sold. THat's right, Senator Brenden wants to sell your wildlife to the highest bidder.

Pissed yet?

The bill fruther gives landowners carte blanche to kill any bison that happens to wander across their property. It forces FWP to act as an accomplice to this act. This is possibly unconstitutional based on the Rathbone decision and a more recent court decision that says Landowners must expect to have some native wildlife on their property.

The bill would only allow translocation of bison to the National Bison Range, which cannot handle any more bison, nor does it allow hunting.

Finally, the bill would eliminate the bison license completely, making Bison the same as coyotes. No rules, no regulations and no management. For groups looking to make a case that genetically pure Bison will be pushed towards extinction and therefore listed under the Endangered Species Act, Senator Brenden has just handed them a golden goose.

The bill has not been slated for a hearing yet, but will most likely go through the Senate Agriculture committee, rather than the FWP Committee, even though it affects title 87.

Just when everyone was actually working together and putting out good legislation, Senator Brenden starts picking scabs.
Who voted for this guy?

He won by a landslide in that district. We (MSA PAC) supported and campaigned for his opponent (Julie French). We had hoped to do better, but sportsman have short attention spans. They get all PO during the session, but don't come out and be heard when it counts the most. :rolleyes:

The Bison issue caused by Brian Schweitzer didn't help us.:W:
Ben can you let us know when this Bill has been assigned to a committee. I will sent in my comments to each committee member.

What the hell is happening in Montana? Used to be "the last great place". Sounds like you somehow got a bunch of anti hunter/ anti sportsmen voted in. Never thought I would see that state get so messed up, its really sad.
Ben can you let us know when this Bill has been assigned to a committee. I will sent in my comments to each committee member.


Absolutely. Scuttlebutt around the Capitol is that all bison bills will go through the Agriculture Committees.
What the hell is happening in Montana? Used to be "the last great place". Sounds like you somehow got a bunch of anti hunter/ anti sportsmen voted in. Never thought I would see that state get so messed up, its really sad.

As Shoots says the Tea Party Movement has a lot to do with it but I will say that in the past there were a lot of things going on that John Q Public was just not aware of until after the fact.

I will give this forum and other web sites as well all the credit in the world to give us guys that live in the middle of no where: before, and up to date info on what the clowns with the azz hats are up to.

It also lets us communicate with people that are in the loop and do the heavy lifting. IE: Big Fin, Shoots, Ben etc., etc. - For this I thank you guys.

Been here in Montana since 1980 and if you think things are just starting to go to hell in a hand basket - well it's been going on for many many years in other areas other than wildlife/fishing. Bottom line is, it seems everything is now decided on the dollar and cent aspect of things and sound biology takes a back seat.
It reminds me of a scene from the movie Maverick

Great, then don't. Are you going to support the effort to take away everyone else's opportunity to do so?

Bill has been assigned to the Senate Fish and Game Committee. No hearing scheduled yet.

Start sending in your comments!$CMTE.ActionQuery?P_SESS=20131&P_COM_NM=%28S%29+Fish+and+Game&P_ACTN_DTM=&U_ACTN_DTM=&Z_ACTION2=Find

At the bottom of the page, click on the name of the Legisltor and follow it to their page. You'll find the contact button there.

Thanks for you time and efforts to bring this to everyone's attention. I will be submitting my comments in opposition to this proposed Bill.
Great, then don't. Are you going to support the effort to take away everyone else's opportunity to do so?

Bill has been assigned to the Senate Fish and Game Committee. No hearing scheduled yet.

Start sending in your comments!$CMTE.ActionQuery?P_SESS=20131&P_COM_NM=%28S%29+Fish+and+Game&P_ACTN_DTM=&U_ACTN_DTM=&Z_ACTION2=Find

At the bottom of the page, click on the name of the Legisltor and follow it to their page. You'll find the contact button there.

I tried that link and it kept coming up bad. Do you have another or another try?
Thanks for all you do! You are making a difference.
Try these links or call Mary Kulawik at (406) 444-4889.

Here is the contact informaiton of all of those members of the Senate Fish and Game Committee.

Brenden, John (R - Ch) - http://
Ripley, Rick (R – V Ch) - http://
Barrett, Debby (R) - http://
Facey, Tom (D) - http://
Fielder, Jennifer (R) - http://
Hamlett, Brad (D) - http://
Jent, Larry (D) - http://
Peterson, Jim (R) - http://
Thomas, Fred (R) - http://
Van Dyk, Kendall (D) - http://

Secretary: Mary Kulawik, Rm 320, (406) 444-4889

Hope this works. :)
Here is a sample of what I sent to each individual Committee Member. Remember you only have about 1,250 characters to send your message . . . so be to the point.

"Dear Senator _________.

I would like to voice my opposition to Senate Bill 135. This bill would require the immediate slaughter of all bison that test positive for Brucellosis in the state of Montana, including Yellowstone Bison that enter the state. Bison that test negative are to be immediately sold. Not hunted, but sold. This opens the door for commercializing of Montanas wildlife.

This Bill further gives landowners carte blanche to kill any bison that happens to wander across their property. It would require MT-FWP to assist in this act. This Bill is potentially unconstitutional based on the Rathbone decision and a more recent court decision that says Landowners must expect to have some native wildlife on their property.

This Bill would eliminate the hunting of Bison by Montana Residents, completely. No rules, no regulations and no Management.

Bottom-line . . . there is no need for a Bill such as this one. Please do NOT let this Bill pass out of this Committee and vote Against Senate Bill 135.

Thank you for you service to Montana.
Jim M. Gappa - Billings, MT"

The only thing I would add, if you use this sample . . . make some changes. The Senator/House of Representative will identify a "Form Letter" and give it less consideration, if they are getting swamped with the same message. And, be respectful.

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