Walmart: Coleman Extreme 6 120q Cooler


New member
Sep 24, 2016
Mtn. Home, ID
I don't know if it's the same all over, but here they have them on sale for $55 where I'm at. I picked one up this afternoon.
Good cooler at a great price. It's no yeti but you can buy 10 of them. And it ain't 10x worse.
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Yet if you look at some on Randy's earlier videos you see that he used a Coleman Igloo and Yeti coolers. Also, noticed different guns and optics he used prior to his sponsorship deals. I find it interesting to know what used before he became rich and famous.
I started saving the gallon milk jugs we go through. Figure I'd save enough of them to fill the 120q, 100q, and 70q Colemans Extreme and Marine 6's I have. In the mean time they'll be good for our family escapes.
I've got one a long with a cabelas version yeti. Keep the milk juggs in the good cooler until I get something down then split the ice and meat into both coolers.
They have the 150 on sale for $89, if I remember correctly. I picked up the 120 yesterday. Thanks for the tip. All coolers at walmart were on sale for pretty good prices.

Shucks they must have been cleaned out on the 150's at my Walmart with that price, other wise I would have scooped that one up to ha ha! That's a heck of a deal!
Looking online I see they are all still there and on super sale. Walmart usually will ship free to your nearest store so you can go that option.
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