PEAX Equipment

Wall Tent Frame


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2019
Hello everyone Hope you are having a great week. I picked up a wall tent 12x16 for $100 and a old pair of binos I had. it actually turned out to be a great tent made in Montana heavy canvas hardly used. I have hunted out of them my whole life, never mine though. I have a few questions. What should I use to water proof it? What is the best material to make a frame out of? I am not going to buy a frame, kind of want the experience of making one. Any tricks that people use to help keep the tent for a long time.
This thread will be helpful in the frame building process:

I bought the angles and used top rail cyclone fence rail from home depot. It is a little heavy but a heck of a lot cheaper then aluminum.
I acquired a Davis tent in a similar fashion. I took it to Davis and they measured everything up and gave me a cut list along with all the small parts I needed to put it all together. Great guys.
I found some angles on a army surplus site, don't know how sturdy they are, but might just order one in to see. Thank you for the ideas and link so far.
Or.... you can buy a welder,grinder, hood, ventilation system, beer etc. Fence post top rail is a perfect size for 1” emt to slide into. Figure out the angles. Have a beer. Double check the angles, cut, notch the pipe. Have a beer. Realize the notch made the pipe really short. Have a beer. Start another corner, repeat the process. Or just contact the tent mfg about corners and joints for emt pipe.
I'd suggest you consider a "traditional" frame vs an internal frame. I bought one from Davis. Easy to setup and the biggest selling point for me was that I could fit the poles in my pickup and close the tailgate. An internal frame would have had poles longer than the truck bed. Just something to consider.
I'd suggest you consider a "traditional" frame vs an internal frame. I bought one from Davis. Easy to setup and the biggest selling point for me was that I could fit the poles in my pickup and close the tailgate. An internal frame would have had poles longer than the truck bed. Just something to consider.

Not disagreeing that this is an option, but if somebody wants internal frame Davis sells sleeves that allow cutting long pieces in half.
Not disagreeing that this is an option, but if somebody wants internal frame Davis sells sleeves that allow cutting long pieces in half.
Davis is the one that informed me that their internal frame longest pole length would not fit in my truck, sleeves or not.
Davis is the one that informed me that their internal frame longest pole length would not fit in my truck, sleeves or not.
My longest beams for my 16x20 are 9’ and I was going to cut in half to 4.5’ when I was going to put inside suv (but ended up not as used 10’ enclosed trailer). In suv I had option of laying down a center seat back to accommodate the 6” over 4’, but you truck bed may not fit that. Prettty user specific at this point. But unless you are packing on horses or have the limitation you had, the strong advice from everyone I talked to was to go internal frame if at all possible.
Definitely user specific. Kyle (I think that was his name) that I talked to from Davis is the one that really sold me on the traditional set up and stated that was what he used.