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Very Well Said

Refreshing to hear someone say that we need well reasoned debate rather than name calling cronyism, unfortunately there are two people that post nothing but angry attack pieces on this forum who ruin any chance of open debate. It's too bad that the moderators allow this kind of disrespectful activity, it makes me believe that this forum and it's leadership are simply bullys that want to lecture people rather than create an informed consensus among the members.
It's too bad that the moderators allow this kind of disrespectful activity, it makes me believe that this forum and it's leadership are simply bullys that want to lecture people rather than create an informed consensus among the members.

Its really simple, if you don't like it, don't log in. Kinda like 24 hour campfire for me.

Also you may want to quickly edit your post. The boss prolly won't like being called a bully. Just friendly advice FWIW.
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Dave's a friend, a neighboring property owner, an involved advocate, and always a diplomat. Can't disagree with any of this.

Good stuff, Paul. Thanks for posting.

The model espoused is a good one, and it is yielding solid results both in terms of building long term success on the ground, and in bringing people together. The Ten Mile Project around Helena is a good example of thoughtful approaches to contentious issues during the planning stage, addressing legitimate concerns and then moving forward with NEPA. Lots of this kind of effort across Montana and other states as well.
Refreshing to hear someone say that we need well reasoned debate ...

Agree. Thanks to BHR for posting.

As to your comments below......

...rather than name calling cronyism, unfortunately there are two people that post nothing but angry attack pieces on this forum who ruin any chance of open debate.

A quick search provides one of your "professional, calm, non-angry" comments posted to a thread while I was on the road the last three months with little time to "moderate." Are you self-identifying as one of the two people you mention?

Oh look, more progressive liberal whining. Victim-hood and drama, the two things you people love.

Pot, meet Kettle.

It's too bad that the moderators allow this kind of disrespectful activity, it makes me believe that this forum and it's leadership are simply bullys that want to lecture people rather than create an informed consensus among the members.

Believe as you may.
Refreshing to hear someone say that we need well reasoned debate rather than name calling cronyism, unfortunately there are two people that post nothing but angry attack pieces on this forum who ruin any chance of open debate. It's too bad that the moderators allow this kind of disrespectful activity, it makes me believe that this forum and it's leadership are simply bullys that want to lecture people rather than create an informed consensus among the members.

A few months ago I was really frustrated at the tone set by a few members (not even on political issues, just labelling others as idiots on every topic) and I voiced my concerns with Randy. We had a good back and forth and I left with the following conclusions -- Randy does care; sometimes "who is the problem" is in the eye of the beholder; it is unlikely that I am going to find any "jackass free forum" on the internet (or in person) so I need to have realistic expectations; and finally I have to ask myself if I get more good out of HuntTalk than bad and vote with my feet. To that last point, I obviously decided to stay. All in all, this is my favorite internet forum and I will be around for awhile. Thanks to Randy and the many great members for making this the case.
Isn't this the same principle that led to the Clearwater compromise (I'm sure that's not the actual name)? There needs to be a growing trend toward this type of collaborative effort. The problem seems to be the fringe groups that can't ever compromise on anything. I think BF has mentioned in several of his early podcasts a couple of legislative ways we could try to limit the fringe's say and power. No many people on this site or generally in society would not agree with that opinion piece.
Isn't this the same principle that led to the Clearwater compromise (I'm sure that's not the actual name)? There needs to be a growing trend toward this type of collaborative effort. The problem seems to be the fringe groups that can't ever compromise on anything. I think BF has mentioned in several of his early podcasts a couple of legislative ways we could try to limit the fringe's say and power. No many people on this site or generally in society would not agree with that opinion piece.

Yes, this should be and needs to be a growing trend. However, in order to do so, people must be intelligent enough to not give a shit what political affiliation others may have or what end of the political spectrum they reside on. Mutual respect is necessary to achieve a collaborative goal and mission statement. Once those are in place, you've created the roadmap and simply need to follow it.
I get a kick out of stirring up the liberals on here.Generally,I make a post then ignore it.I know what they think of my point of view and I'm POSITIVE they know what I think of them.In the end I'm here to talk hunting with hunters.Most of the people I HIGHLY disagree with make me curious if they are actual hunters or some PETA transplants.They won't ever bother me or wreck my mood.Like I said,stirring them up has become a hobby.I won't change their wrong way of thinking,but I try to put them on the right path,lmao.It's only going to get worse now that hunting seasons are winding down.I hope Santa brings my a new tinfoil hat as I've more then worn out the one I have now,lol
But, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.Your my hunting/fishing brothers and we can agree to disagree
I get a kick out of stirring up the liberals on here.Generally,I make a post then ignore it.I know what they think of my point of view and I'm POSITIVE they know what I think of them.In the end I'm here to talk hunting with hunters.Most of the people I HIGHLY disagree with make me curious if they are actual hunters or some PETA transplants.They won't ever bother me or wreck my mood.Like I said,stirring them up has become a hobby.I won't change their wrong way of thinking,but I try to put them on the right path,lmao.It's only going to get worse now that hunting seasons are winding down.I hope Santa brings my a new tinfoil hat as I've more then worn out the one I have now,lol
But, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.Your my hunting/fishing brothers and we can agree to disagree
Even attempting to be conciliatory and explanatory, your rhetoric is offensive to conservatives, moderates, liberals, and most folks of any persuasion, mixedbag. I'm truly sorry to say that since likely it is wasted words, but perhaps if you get handed your hat enough times you'll eventually get it and develop a modicum of respectfulness.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours, as well. Hunting brother, it is not the expressions of agreement or disagreement that are offensive, it is the labeling delivery rhetoric and arrogance that offends.
Even attempting to be conciliatory and explanatory, your rhetoric is offensive to conservatives, moderates, liberals, and most folks of any persuasion, mixedbag. I'm truly sorry to say that since likely it is wasted words, but perhaps if you get handed your hat enough times you'll eventually get it and develop a modicum of respectfulness.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours, as well. Hunting brother, it is not the expressions of agreement or disagreement that are offensive, it is the labeling delivery rhetoric and arrogance that offends.

And the lack of spaces after periods.
Straight Arrow,your wound up pretty tight.Relax buddy and get a little sarcasm.Not everybody is so serious
I get a kick out of stirring up the liberals on here.Generally,I make a post then ignore it.
And so will the rest of us.

Perhaps the new year will spark you, me, all of us to more constructive approaches. When the government doesn't lead the people, it falls to the people to lead the government.
Straight Arrow,your(sic) wound up pretty tight.
Not so; some call me cool cucumber. You illustrate what I expressed, "likely wasted words".

I'll bring the hot chocolate and schnapps, Addicting, then let's talk hunting and unison in promoting continued public ownership, preservation, and access to public lands.
I would further add to Dave's message in that it is much broader than forestry. Whit Fosborgh, CEO of the TRCP was recently on Rinella's podcast. He did a very good job of encapsulating the mindset that energy development and extraction WILL happen and needs to happen. Technology is there to make it happen in a more environmentally responsible way, but that only happens if the bar is high enough to necessitate it.

I am all for American capitalism, but as a hunter, angler, and conservationist, I want for profit, extractive use, be it grazing, fracking, mining, etc. to happen in a responsible manner. I fully realize there are others who want it to happen in a cheap and easy manner. There are some who don't want it to happen at all. Sitting down and working out an amenable approach seems to be such a rarity these days.

I appreciate Dave's thoughts and hope more people are able to embrace this approach.
I hate all you people but why can’t we just talk hunting, I don’t understand why won’t anyone talk to me?
hope I don’t need to clarify I was referring to another ray of sunshine on here.
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