Utah's public land stance vs Outdoor Retailer Show


New member
Jun 26, 2016
I hope they all start pulling out to make a big point. Utah disrespects every aspect of the outdoor economy this state enjoys. Sad part is if Utahs politicians would pull their head out of their ass they could be a great market for so many things and the outdoor industry in particular.
Saw today that Pategonia is dropping out of the annual OR show in Salt Lake in protest of the state's public land stance. They aren't exactly a hunting company, but are large in the outdoor apparel relm. I do care about the revenue the show brings to the area, but I think many residents would agree when I say I hope more companies follow suite!
While that's a pretty big gesture, pulling their outlet out of the state would be more telling...
Wearing my 20yr old Patagonia pull over today again....and not going to UT anytime soon.
Damn straight! We don't have to wait for businessess to act against UT. Since $ is the language that gets heard best there, I am looking for ways to vote w my wallet against PLT, inc. anything related to UT. Not going to travel there, trying to stay away from buying from UT businesses, encouraging others to do likewise. Notifying companies there of my support if they take a stand against PLT.

States get to decide whatever works for them w their own property, but they can't take federal lands.
I had taken a day off next week to drive from Wyoming over to Salt Lake for the Hunt Expo. Maybe I'll stay in WY and go ice fishing on my day off instead ... I wrote the Expo and encouraged them to look at hosting elsewhere in the future.
The Expo is a joke to me and won't see me or my wallet. I don't have any Affliction jeans to carry my wallet in anyway so I'd be a fish out of water there

Good on Patagonia.
damn ,,found out Patagonia is anti-hunter big time...not gonna buy anything from them whether they boycott the Utah show or not.
I've heard about Patagucci's ties to Buffalo Field Campaign, Sierra Club, etc. But never any hard statement of being anti-hunter. Really could care less. I bought what they call Field Pants and a quick dry hoody on a Dillon MT outlet that a whole buncha' hunters and fishermen buy stuff at. Pants are the best I've ever found for bird hunting and the shirts pretty good too. Both have gotten plenty of bird blood on 'em - so if that offends them, who cares. I really have no dog in the fight, but I'd like to see the solid anti hunter evidence against the hippy fleece seller.....
Patagonia believes in the sustainable, ethical and responsible utilization of natural resources. If they really believe that, it is impossible for them to be against hunting. So either they are pro-hunting or they are frauds.
Y'all do realize labeling an entire state; it's business and residents as guilty is biased?

Why wouldn't Patagonia support land acquisition, land trusts or conservation easements? These strategies have worked very well for conservation organizations supported by sportsmen; RMEF, DU, Pheasants Forever, etc, etc.

When Patagonia state support for "action oriented" are they talking people like the pipeline protesters in ND? Those are some true environmentalists.

Just as some of you have labeled all Utahn's as guilty; I'll label Patagonia as "anti consumptive sports"; hunting, fishing, trapping until someone shows a company statement of support for things I care about.

By the way make sure we all support Under Armour. They have a clear position of support for hunting and conservation. http://www.rmef.org/NewsandMedia/PressRoom/NewsReleases/RMEFLaunchesHuntingIsConservation.aspx
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For what it's worth, dukes_daddy, I don't think I spoke anything whatsoever about the state of Utah nor its inhabitants. So I'll assume I ain't part of the y'all.
Just asked if dan.kirkpatrick could present any solid evidence of Patagonia's anti hunter stance.

"I'll label Patagonia as "anti consumptive sports"; hunting, fishing, trapping until someone shows a company statement of support for things I care about".

There's my irrefutable evidence. Thanks much.
I read an interesting article about Yvon Chouinard (Patagonia founder and owner) and he discussed internal patagonia discussions which highlighted the tension between his hunting stance and the anti-hunting stance of many employees. I wouldn't call him a hunting advocate but certainly not averse to it. I've often heard Patagonia labeled anti-hunting and never quite understood it. If anyone can shed light I'd be interested.
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I also think it's okay not to support land trusts etc. No more than every hunting apparellel company needs to focus on sustainably sourced materials. There are many good causes to support. Let's make it clear, Patagonia is not a hunting company but that doesn't mean it is evil. In this case they did the right thing, I'm good with that.
Y'all do realize labeling an entire state; it's business and residents as guilty is biased?

Why wouldn't Patagonia support land acquisition, land trusts or conservation easements? These strategies have worked very well for conservation organizations supported by sportsmen; RMEF, DU, Pheasants Forever, etc, etc.

When Patagonia state support for "action oriented" are they talking people like the pipeline protesters in ND? Those are some true environmentalists.

Just as some of you have labeled all Utahn's as guilty; I'll label Patagonia as "anti consumptive sports"; hunting, fishing, trapping until someone shows a company statement of support for things I care about.

By the way make sure we all support Under Armour. They have a clear position of support for hunting and conservation. http://www.rmef.org/NewsandMedia/PressRoom/NewsReleases/RMEFLaunchesHuntingIsConservation.aspx

I don't fund Land trusts or conservation easements either. And that doesn't make me anti-hunting. That is a ridiculous measure.

And funny you support Under Armour. Just 5 months ago, all "real hunters" boycotted them for their ant-hunting actions in dropping the sponsorship of the one gal after her husband posted a video killing a bear.

And now you support their anti-hunting actions.
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