Utah Waterfowl.


New member
Jan 23, 2003
Hey guys this has got to be my worst year ever for birds. I guess that is not saying much since I have only been into it 3 years now. Funny thing is I have enjoyed it a lot more this year then before.

Now that we have "hard water" in the swamp I do not know were to go. Can anyone give me some pointers? I would like to get out a few more times before it closes. I'm just a solo foot soldier so I would be walking but I do have good legs, just ask my girlfr...I mean wife. ;)
Black Timber, I'm not sure what it's like in Utah but I'm sure it's the same as Here. The rivers are usually open Game. The best way to hunt the rivers are to Find a Boat ramp map. I know a guys doesn't want to give up a hunting saturday but take one morning, Drive the River and Stop by each dock. Check out were the guys are pulling into. Count the rigs. thats a Good indication of were guys like to hunt. From there I would take another day to drive the Waters and Take a map and Detail out were the Decoys are set up at. All those places on the river are Public places unless MArked. Even some of the matked ones might be open, We have a Public MAp that sows us whats private and whats not.

Duckhunting in an area were people hunt alot means you need to Get up 1/2 hour earlier then they do and hit the water running :D

Without a boat (What it sounds like) You can still access the small islands with a Canoe (If thats on your list). We hunt an Area on the Main river with a Canoe and usually get more birds then the Guys in the MAin Chanel with a billion decoys, the Ducks tend to like the Side pockets and Places they can actually eat and have cover. Any small inlet, away from the current is a good place.

Sorry I don't have any specific details on were to go, But taking one day to drive the River is a good way to find spots.

Another suggestion is find spots you'd like to access and in the Off season, stop by a farmers field of whoever lives there and Just ask. sometimes the Best hunting spots are the Easiest to get too. We found just a spot once... problem being the Guy that lives there is a Talker, And we spend 3 hours trying to get out of there each time ;)

Good luck Mi Amigo........
Generally, both mallards and geese will leave the water at least once a day (most of the time both morn and eve) and head out to dry land to feed. Corn, grains and peas are favorite crops for waterfowl as is turf and sometimes even pastures. It's best to scout a couple of days before you hunt and just wait for the birds to come off the water. Watch where they go and follow them need be to figure out where they are feeding at. Birds can stand alot more pressure being hunted on land than they can being hunted on water.

Hey trackndeer. I guess I should have gotton back to this post a little earlier :rolleyes: I'm from Ogden. Were you from?
Looks like tomorrow (14th) will be my last day for birds :( I can't get out Saturday so I took tomorrow off just for the occasion.
I stated earlier that I have really enjoyed waterfowl this year more than any time before. So much I'm thinking about getting a boat for next year. Just gotta talk the wife into it |oo
Now what am I going to do until this spring when I draw my Turkey tag?
well the 15th I will be going back out for the last time. the lake is frozen most of the way so it should be good hunting I can't wait. hump
trackndeer, so how did you do yesterday?
I went out friday morning and there just happened to be another hunter in the same area. He started shooting 10 minutes early and it pushed about 1000 birds to the lake. I was set up between the bay and the fields. I had watched the birds a few days earlier and that was their flight pattern. But when pushed by hunters they tend to not go were you want them to. Oh well, looking forward to next season.

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