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Utah, it's time to oust Mr. Anti-Public lands Mike Lee

Hey @Oneye, did you ever hear back from either of the challengers? I've been watching this unfold for the last few months when Lee's PAC's starting running attack ads even before the ladies had announced.

I'd like to make a donation but don't know which challenger to throw my support behind so I've been waiting for more info to come out.
I didn't realize that this forum had so many leftist idiots.

That’s not true, it’s mostly progressives, some liberals, some socialists, a couple marxists and one admitted communist. I’m pretty sure. But I think I missed that thread and am reading between the lines. So get it right dammit.

I’d vote for whichever one is furthest from mitt

Edit:if all else fails just vote for the Mormon one.
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I think Mr. Lee is a good man, who has his constituents in mind. Why resort to name calling? I wouldn't resort to calling you a sperm berp'en liberal.....ooops.
You obviously don’t know me. You stick around and you might find that I’m far from a liberal. I have a pretty open mind and can think for myself. Mr. Lee has his money backers in mind.
A good case in point about why public land advocacy and outreach are necessary for us DIY public land hunters. The vast majority of the hunters and anglers I know that reside in my state know close to zero about public land and wouldn’t really care one way or the other if a candidate was beating the drum against it.

Public land is nearly nonexistent here in Texas. We have more congressional seats (36) than NM, CO, WY, ID, UT, AZ and NV combined (31). And virtually no voters here give 2 💩’s about public land. This issue is a critical one to have the right Senators on from the western states.

Hopefully Utah will get a new Senator.
Hey @Oneye, did you ever hear back from either of the challengers? I've been watching this unfold for the last few months when Lee's PAC's starting running attack ads even before the ladies had announced.

I'd like to make a donation but don't know which challenger to throw my support behind so I've been waiting for more info to come out.
I did get one back from Isom, but it was kind of a canned vague auto email response. I’m going to likely call their offices next week if I get no answer. I think Edwards will have the better chance, but Isom is a decent choice as well. Either would be far better than continuing Lee. I replied to Isom one today and asked for a more firm response. Hopefully she or her office will get back with a more firm response. @grizzly_
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That’s not true, it’s mostly progressives, some liberals, some socialists, a couple marxists and one admitted communist. I’m pretty sure. But I think I missed that thread and am reading between the lines. So get it right dammit.

I’d vote for whichever one is furthest from mitt

Edit:if all else fails just vote for the Mormon one.
Mitt is better on public lands than Lee by a long shot. I’d vote for Mitt again any day of the week.
If all else fails just vote for the Mormon one.
Harry Reid (Dem), Jeff Flake (Rep), Dean Heller (Rep), and Tom Udall (Dem) all retired so that only leaves Romney, Lee, and Crapo.

Jeff Flake is on his way to be Biden's Ambassador to Turkey so he'll be out of the country for a bit.

Considering the breadth of these men's positions, maybe a Senator's religion isn't as good of a predictor as you believe and should be left out of the discussion. That's probably why Article VI of the Constitution directly forbids a religious test to hold office.

Maybe that was an attempt at tongue-in-cheek, but I still feel a person's religion should be left out of a discussion unless absolutely necessary. Just a thought.
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Harry Reid (Dem), Jeff Flake (Rep), Dean Heller (Rep), and Tom Udall (Dem) all retired so that only leaves Romney, Lee, and Crapo.

Jeff Flake is on his way to be Biden's Ambassador to Turkey so he'll be out of the country for a bit.

Considering the breadth of these men's positions, maybe a Senator's religion isn't as good of a predictor as you believe and should be left out of the discussion. Just a thought.

Lol… aren’t they all Mormon?… lol… it was a joke chuck..

I checked the two gals out, don’t like either of em, don’t like Lee, status quo for my feelings on politicians in general. Public lands don’t play very heavy in my opinions, more critical issues as far as I’m concerned.. carry on though, I like watching a witch burn just as much as the next guy.
Lol… aren’t they all Mormon?… lol… it was a joke chuck..

I checked the two gals out, don’t like either of em, don’t like Lee, status quo for my feelings on politicians in general. Public lands don’t play very heavy in my opinions, more critical issues as far as I’m concerned.. carry on though, I like watching a witch burn just as much as the next guy.
Gotcha. There have been several threads on here that have turned into religious discussions that shouldn't have been so I was jumping in ahead of it. The funny thing is, I'm not even Mormon... I just think we can focus on issues without bringing beliefs into it.

Point taken on the fact that Lee and Romney share the same religion though

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