Using Natural Scents from Vegetation for Scent Control


New member
Sep 24, 2016
Mtn. Home, ID
Besides knowing what the wind is doing...

I started looking into things that mask/kill human odor while hunting. Then I came across a few who actually place or even store their clothing in bins with natural vegetation from the area they hunt. I kind of liked that approach, but wondered if synthetic suppressants/eliminators would effectively last longer on an all day hunt. Weather should be on the cooler side.

What do you guys and gals do before you hit the trail head for scent control? Do you folks leave the house in your hunting gear, or change in to it when you park your vehicle? I know Randy (Big Fin I think) says he doesn't wear his insulated boots till he gets to his destination to help with unnecessary moisture build up while driving, so I was thinking the same with clothes in regards to odor? Or am I just over thinking the whole process? I am concentrated on archery hunting.

I have a friend who puts his hunting clothes in a bag with sage brush because the scent is very strong and that is the predominant vegetation in our hunting area.
I have a friend who puts his hunting clothes in a bag with sage brush because the scent is very strong and that is the predominant vegetation in our hunting area.

Same. A friend who places his hunting clothes, hip/shoulder pack, socks, you name it into a couple glad bags with the pine boughs relative to the area he hunts. I've always thought this is a great idea, especially for archery though I've not done this... Amazing, even as I write this I know it's a great idea yet I will most likely move on to the day off household to-do list.
Epilogue: His hunting success should be a wake up call... Guess I've not had my coffee.
Besides knowing what the wind is doing...

I started looking into things that mask/kill human odor while hunting. Then I came across a few who actually place or even store their clothing in bins with natural vegetation from the area they hunt. I kind of liked that approach, but wondered if synthetic suppressants/eliminators would effectively last longer on an all day hunt. Weather should be on the cooler side.

What do you guys and gals do before you hit the trail head for scent control? Do you folks leave the house in your hunting gear, or change in to it when you park your vehicle? I know Randy (Big Fin I think) says he doesn't wear his insulated boots till he gets to his destination to help with unnecessary moisture build up while driving, so I was thinking the same with clothes in regards to odor? Or am I just over thinking the whole process? I am concentrated on archery hunting.


Nothing will mask or kill human scent when it comes to a critter's nose.
I've put my hunting clothes in plastic bags with pine needles in the past. I've also stepped in heaping piles of cow crap as a cover scent walking in to my stand. Likewise, sitting around the campfire in my hunting clothes always worked. I can't remember getting busted any more than normal.

However, I'm also a houndsman and my experience with scent hounds tells me that being scent free is a fantasy. With that being said, I still put my hunting clothes in drum liners and throw in scent wafers to help mask scent. Being mindful of the wind is always the best bet of course.

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