Caribou Gear Tarp

Urgent-corner crossing petition

Please forward this link to any other organizations that favor public access to public lands. We will be submitting the results to members of the House Judiciary Committee this Tues. Jan. 29th. Please make sure they are aware that we had nothing to do with the link to the anti gun petition and here is the response from on our request to have the link to the anti gun petition removed: Customer Support ( Help Center)
Jan 25 08:33 am (PST)
Hi Vito,
Thank you for contacting us! Unfortunately, that is a feature that we cannot turn off but the petitions that are sent are random. When I signed your petition, I received a petition called Tony Burke: Protect sacred Aboriginal burial grounds in the Kimberley.
I hope that this helps but if you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.
The Help Center

Jan 25 06:31 am (PST)
Montana Sportsmen Alliance has the below petition on your website. When a person signs the petition, they are automatically forwarded to an anti-gun petition. This is causing many issues for Montana Sportsmen Alliance. Is there a way to separate us from other petitions on similar broad topics or just not to link our signers to another petition? Please help us as we are losing supporters for our petition.

Here is the link to the petition: