Update on my book cliffs utah tag


Nov 7, 2013

Found this guy 2 days before the season started

I drew a limited entry muzzle loader tag. We did not get a chance to scout the unit before the hunt due to vacation limits and being the third group of hunters chasing them. I figured that saving the days for the hunt would be most effective. My brother and I headed out 3 days before the opener. We got to the unit late Friday night. We set up camp. The plan was to hit several of the areas that I had marked on the map that looked good to me. Saturday we were up early ready to roll. We were using a atv due to the amount of roads and size of the unit. 10 minutes in to the drive we hear a hissing noise oh crap. Turns out the one rock we passed on a fairly flat road. Hit the rim just right and bent it. We could not red neck it so we hiked back to the truck. Pulled the tire drove 2 hours back to the closest town to get it fixed. So much for day one.
We did see one of these
Sorry for the delay. Day 3 opening morning. We went out to the ridge where we had last seen the target bull. The sun comes up we are glassing. No elk to be seen. Then we hear a bugle down the canyon. I am off to chase it. I work my way down the ridge following the sound of his bugle. I worked my way through the brush. The bugles were louder and closer my heart was pounding. There is no sound in the hunting world that can get my heart going like the sound of a bull. The brush was so thick I could not see him but I knew i was close. Then I saw it antler tips above the brush. 100 yards perfect range for the muzzle loader. The only problem is the 8 foot high brush that is between me and him. Sneaking, looking, no shooting lane bugles sounding off cows calling Adrenalin rushing. Move to the left no go. Move to the right oh crap what is that looking right at me a cow. Game over brush explodes 20 cows and the bull rushing of. I run down the hill to a opening there they go up the other side. Range 371 yards.... not going to take that shot with my muzzy.
I watched them go over the ridge. I run to the top of the ridge. Not quite as fast as them. No elk to be seen. What a stalk. what a experience. No elk sighted the rest of the day. Day 2 plan. Go back to the same spot to see if we can turn up another chance. I head down the ridge where I had lost them yesterday. 2 guys already down there. Crap. I work over to the other side. 2 shots. what oh man did they get him? I don't know. I hope not. Regroup head to a different area to check out options. Target bull possibly dead. We glass and move the rest of the day. Not a elk to be seen. Temps were pretty hot. Evening. Elk spotted 3 miles away. Make a plan Take off. Hike up and down and up and down and up and down. Are we in the right spot. There he is. Spotter out. Man he is a good bull, but he has 4 tines broken off. What a fighter. Day light fading. No position to make a stalk. Watch him till the sun sets. We head back to camp to eat dinner and plan for the next day.
Day 3. Over dinner that Night. I was down. I was sure the 2 shots we had heard were at the bull that I wanted. My brother convinced me that the bull was nice enough to at least go and check and see if he was still in the area. We decided to split up. I headed down the same ridge that I went the opening morning. He would go a couple ridges over to see if he could turn something up.. I was working along the ridge when my brother let me know he had located the bull. I hiked over to him made a plan and the sneak was on. I worked my way to where I thought they were nothing. Crap they must have moved while I was hiking. I worked my way through the brush to see if i could pick them up. I worked around a bush. There they were antler tips above the brush again. 30 yards away. This was not good. Bad wind can't move the brush is to thick. I have one little opening if he feeds to the right I might have a chance. The cows bark the wind betrayed me. elk run off. I can't believe it. I have been so close. We watched them feed over the next ridge and hussled over to see if we could turn them up. we looked for four hours and didn't see a thing. We were getting ready to relocate. When I thought lets just head a little bit farther down the hill to get a different view. I spotted a cow. Then he came out right behind her. I hussled around the canyon to get above him before he came out in a sage brush flat that I thought I might be able to get a shot. I am sneaking through the brush I have a good shooting lane. There he is we see each other at the same time. No time to range I lift the gun. I shoot. Its a hit. When the bullet hit him is was like a punch it nocked him sideways. He walked off. I rush to reload. I am trying to follow him through the brush. I lose the trail. I back out and wait. 4 hours later and some rough tracking we find him. Success.
I can't explain the emotions I felt at the conclusion of this hunt. It was an amazing experience that I shared with my dad and brother.

Thanks for reading along. I know that my grammar is not up to par, but it is what you get from this redneck.
I leave with one of my favorite pictures. enjoy.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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