Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

UFO's Who's seen em? had encounters??


Active member
Jan 26, 2022
Yeah I know.."Not another one!"..but alas we have another fun thread.. I for one HAVE in fact seen one and it occurred over the Gulf of Mexico out of Crytstal River, FL. Was sitting on the porch enjoying the stars, Imbibing in MM AKA Makers Mark AKA Mothers Milk, and was watching the space station cruise by at a speed of five miles per second, orbiting Earth about every 90 minutes. BTW thats 18,000 miles per hour and from my vantage point just loping along. Ive seen satellites as well and all of a sudden waaaaay out in space a VERY BRIGHT star? appeared. sat motionless for a few seconds the bolted left (we're talking Mega fast) then shot straight up at an incredible speed an vanished.... I have NEVER seen ANYTHING move at the speed thing thing moved, yep thats my ONLY UFO sighting. I know MANY here have certainly seen them and quite possibly had encounters. The skies in the woods are jet black dark and the number of stars is nothing short of remarkable. Its much easier to see something in these skies than others closer to town. And BTW I'm a believer in these as well....It's all yours...tell em!
There's a certain area in Wyoming I will not camp in, spend the night .
While on a ferret spotlight count we, I mean me and spouse and 2 other guys, saw something weird and the closest guy said he was really weirded out. The super called it a night for us.

Got back into town and was talking with a very good friend, she and another friend had gone hiking up on top of Snowy Range for a fishing trip. They were watching sunset and saw the same thing from top or the range looking North.
That made 6 folks saw the same UAP.
Was at a summer camp years ago, it was a wildlife camp. One night out of the trip each group of kids would hike out and sleep under the stars. We were camping out during a meteor shower. After i counted 150 shooting starts i stopped counting. But there was a bright star the size of a satellite would see cross the night sky. IT would bolt to the left or right, then take a 90 and go up or down or diagonal across the sky. I've never seen anything be able to move like that at that speed making those turns.
Had an experience similar to OP's. Me and two friends were outside one night shooting the breeze. We all saw it, one star that was a little brighter than the rest and had a pink tint to it. It dropped a few degrees in the sky very quickly. It sat in the new position for several seconds then moved up and to the left, sat there for several seconds then disappeared. All of us saw it, none of us can explain it.
There is an older thread where we discussed this and I shared my several encounters with UFO, but since then I have had another. About two months ago.

I was in my hot tub like I am almost every morning after getting out of bed. It was between 5:00 and 5:30 so still very dark. I had closed my eyes and when I opened them there were two objects almost overhead. My Imediat impression was that they were some sort of white bellied bird, like a barn owl or snow goose with the light from the ground reflection off them. That is about how illuminated they were. I ruled that out quickly because they were round and not moving like any kind of bird. The best way to describe the movement is to compare it to dogs. One acted like an old dog on a trail, steadily plodding along, not varying from the trail. The other was like a puppy trying to get that old dog to chase him. It would rapidly fly directly into the first one, stop then shoot back out for quite some distance. It would stop and do it all over again. A couple of times the first one, like an annoyed old dog, would chase after the second for a short distance, but then return back to the original path. At one point they seemed to come together as one for a short while. I watched this show for a few minutes before they got out of visual range.

The only thing I can think of that might fly like that would be a couple of drones that I couldn't hear because of the hot tub jets. That would require that two people were flying large, very expensive drones at o-dark-thirty and one of them was being very reckless by creating near collision scenarios over and over again. Didn't seem likely.

But I will probably never know.
One night I was camped at Black Mesa state park in the Oklahoma panhandle while antelope hunting Ihad a encounter. There were no clouds and not much moon pretty dark night. I was sitting around a campfire with 2 guys I met the day before and one of the guy's two son's. It was around 8:30 and had been a quiet night when suddenly I started hearing lots of chatter and excited voices coming from camps all around us. I remember hearing someone in the camp on the hill above us loudly exclaim "what the hell is that". About that time I looked up and am still not sure what I saw it was a large triangle with no lights heading SW towards NM. It seemed to be less then 1000ft up and was huge easily the size of a football field or two. With no lights and little moon you could only make out the shape a triangle with rounded edges. The odd part was it didn't make a sound just slowly drifted SW till it was out of site.
One night I was camped at Black Mesa state park in the Oklahoma panhandle while antelope hunting Ihad a encounter. There were no clouds and not much moon pretty dark night. I was sitting around a campfire with 2 guys I met the day before and one of the guy's two son's. It was around 8:30 and had been a quiet night when suddenly I started hearing lots of chatter and excited voices coming from camps all around us. I remember hearing someone in the camp on the hill above us loudly exclaim "what the hell is that". About that time I looked up and am still not sure what I saw it was a large triangle with no lights heading SW towards NM. It seemed to be less then 1000ft up and was huge easily the size of a football field or two. With no lights and little moon you could only make out the shape a triangle with rounded edges. The odd part was it didn't make a sound just slowly drifted SW till it was out of site.
Sometime in the Early 2000's. 2002 or so, I was in Grad School at MSU-Bozeman. I was planning on meeting some friends in Pinedale, WY one Friday evening so we could go backpacking in the Wind Rivers. They were headed up from Utah, and I was headed down from Bozeman. I got stuck at work and got a little later start then I had hoped, but not by a lot. It got dark around the time I hit Idaho, but it was a full moon out that night. I had a hard turn towards the south on the highway just north of Driggs Idaho, when I noticed something above me against the mountains. Slowed down and had my head cranked out the window and could clearly see an aircraft, but it didn't seem like it was moving very fast. At least not fast enough to stay in the air. So I pulled over and took a step out of my truck, and watched this thing cruise over me at what seemed like a very low elevation. 100 or 200 feet or so. It moved gradually right over me, and never made a sound. I have an image stuck in my head of what appeared to be a Black double edged knife blade, or tip of a sword. If it hadn't been a full moon, I'm not sure I would have seen it. I just remember the moon light reflecting off this dull black aircraft. Then as it moved past me, it accelerated at the speed of light and became just a light in the distance. I got back in and kept driving and could still see this weird light WAY off in the distance just moving along.

I crested over the pass to drop down into Jackson Wy and there were huge fires in the area. Camps full of fire crews right off the road. It was slow going through there, but traffic wasn't stopped or blocked at all. Got up on the plateau between Jackson and Pinedale, and realized I was running really late. It was a full Moon, and it felt like I could see Everything in that sagebrush flat. I was Speeding along pretty good for the majority of that 70 mile stretch trying to make up time. I got to Pinedale, and met my friends at the gas station. They were laid out in the truck bed in their sleeping bags fast asleep. Turns out I was about 4 hours late!

Now mind you this was back in the days of printing MapQuest directions and I did get a late start, but not that late. It did have a quick stop to awe at some unidentified aircraft, and had a slow section through the fire camp, but Not 4-hours worth.

Near as I can tell, what I saw looked ALOT like the front end of the Blackbird. I have less recollection of what the tail end looked like. But it never made a sound, seemed to hover and then instantaneously accelerate. If I had to guess, whatever it was, was in the area checking out the fires.

There's a certain area in Wyoming I will not camp in, spend the night .
While on a ferret spotlight count we, I mean me and spouse and 2 other guys, saw something weird and the closest guy said he was really weirded out. The super called it a night for us.

Got back into town and was talking with a very good friend, she and another friend had gone hiking up on top of Snowy Range for a fishing trip. They were watching sunset and saw the same thing from top or the range looking North.
That made 6 folks saw the same UAP.

Oh Lort.
When I was in high school a friend and I got up early one morning to hunt ducks. We were sitting in the weeds along the shore of a small lake waiting for the sun to come up. Two oblong white lights came from opposite directions slowly and stopped when they were almost touching. They stayed like that for several minutes and all of a sudden one went straight up and was gone in the blink of an eye. A few seconds later the other one disappeared to the left just as fast. That happened over 50 years ago and I still remember every detail. Scared the crap out of us.
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