Tx hog hunt


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2011
Jacksonville, Alabama
Last week some friends and I headed to South Texas for a weekend hog hunt. We were hunting on a private ranch but not one of the commercial hunting outfits so we didn't know what to expect. No real "honor or glory" hunt, but I have been working on remodeling our new house for the last 4-5 months and needed a break that involved a rifle. All in all we had a great weekend, with everyone but 1 in camp having an opportunity at a hog. The desert was as lush as I have ever seen it, with the wildflowers in their prime. I took my best hog to date, an old boar with good cutters. I had never tried to eat one this large or old and was a little skeptical of how he was going to be on the table. We tried a test batch of breakfast sausage and he was fine. We ended up grinding all of him into hot breakfast, maple breakfast, and hot Italian sausage. The trip turned out so well, I think we will try it again next spring after our hunting seasons have played out.
Nice looking hog. Ive been chomping at the bits to try my hand at hog hunting. I just can't seem to spend the absurd money people want. They should be handing out tickets for people to come help eliminate them for free.
He's sure got a pretty smile, lol.
Nice looking boar! You'll know when you walk up on one if he's not fit to eat. We're eating my 200 lb boar and he's great, just takes some time to get tender.
Thanks for sharing the wildflower pics.

No free ride so you'll have to pony up or hunt public land Howell05. Some deals are out there though, good access fees with no limits. They're just trying to recoup some damage costs, well some are, some are cashing in.
I live in Texas and we have feral hogs on this ranch and everywhere. It is interesting- Back the 1920s and on, rural people around here used to let their domestic pigs loose to fatten on the acorn crop. They notched their ears so they could tell who's were who's when they rounded them up and cured ham and bacon. Hogs were not the problem they have become lately. It seems to me they ferals became a problem after people started importing wild boar from Europe to let loose for hunting. They might have crossed with the domestics and become a hybrid. Around here the folks get together and have a sort of Texas luau. We roast young female shoats. The big boars and adult sows are not considered to be worth eating but they make good target practice.

Oh, and here is a term that has always made me laugh "Her butt was so big it looked like two shoats fighting in a sack".
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