Two Dogs Killed by Wolves in Colorado Less Than 24-Hours Apart 3-17-23

This is near us :( told the husband unit to bring the pups inside last night.
There is no GPS collar or law that would stop me from shooting a wolf that killed my dog. I hope Colorado law enforcement and juries have a heart for the many more people that will be going through this in the future. It just feels like Colorado is going to be much different than Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. WAY more people and pets, working or not. Theres only a few wolves in CO now. Wait until there are hundreds, or a thousand. This is soon gonna get ugly.
The wolves released in Jackson would get to Colorado and surprised wolves took this long to establish. Packs feed then use instinct to look for more food in the next basin. Then the next basin. Predator/Prey rebalancing is not taking place at the margins since there is always another basin until hit the Pacific. Wolves in America have more legal protection than sacred cows in India. Science is something we mock and prefer to do our own research. Well, politicians did their own research. Don’t hate the player.
In the interface areas around here, people learn quickly that fido needs to be watched a lot closer. The only people i feel bad for are houndsmen...beyond that, a dog running around jumping on me while i'm on a trail gets little sympathy. In fact...leash laws are state laws unless under voice control (which yelling 20 times to come back is not voice control). I guess people just need to watch fido a little better. More people are killed or injured by a loose fido than dogs killed by wolves.
In the interface areas around here, people learn quickly that fido needs to be watched a lot closer. The only people i feel bad for are houndsmen...beyond that, a dog running around jumping on me while i'm on a trail gets little sympathy. In fact...leash laws are state laws unless under voice control (which yelling 20 times to come back is not voice control). I guess people just need to watch fido a little better. More people are killed or injured by a loose fido than dogs killed by wolves.
Wasn’t the ranch dog killed right by the house though? Or did I misread?
Found dead not far from the house. Obviously for people living in rural areas it's normal to let the dog run around outside unleashed, and not kept in a pen all the time, so it's not the owner's fault wolves killed his dog
Yup our dogs roam free but they stay tight to the house or they get in trouble. Be pretty rough if the wolves came right in our yard and killed Fido.

The wolves would probably take a dirt nap one way or another.
This is going to become a very common occurance there. Happens in Montana all the time, just doesn't make the news and we have less people and dogs. Wolves target dogs as they see them as competition. Maybe this will make some of the voters realize that wolves are not the warm fuzzy pup running around that some envision.

Just saw a new "Don't Silence the Howl" billboard here in Helena the other day and there aren't anywhere close to as many wolves in this area as there are in some other areas of the state.
More cattle and sheep are killed by domestic dogs than wolves each year. More humans are killed by domestic dogs each year. People don't take care of their dogs and then wonder why they get killed or injured. How about this...since more dogs are killed by vehicles each year...near the dogs house, maybe we should ban vehicles where dogs live. Or perhaps, just maybe...people can quit having their dogs roam all over hell. I'm sure every working dog stays within the owners land...which is why cattle and sheep predation from domestic dogs is so high. A sheep farmer in the bitterroot had an easy answer...he shot the dogs and tied them to his corner fence by the main road. He had a sign set up saying you can retrieve your dog here. Amazing how well people round him adapted to watching their dogs.
Found dead not far from the house. Obviously for people living in rural areas it's normal to let the dog run around outside unleashed, and not kept in a pen all the time, so it's not the owner's fault wolves killed his dog
More cattle and sheep are killed by domestic dogs than wolves each year. More humans are killed by domestic dogs each year. People don't take care of their dogs and then wonder why they get killed or injured. How about this...since more dogs are killed by vehicles each year...near the dogs house, maybe we should ban vehicles where dogs live. Or perhaps, just maybe...people can quit having their dogs roam all over hell. I'm sure every working dog stays within the owners land...which is why cattle and sheep predation from domestic dogs is so high. A sheep farmer in the bitterroot had an easy answer...he shot the dogs and tied them to his corner fence by the main road. He had a sign set up saying you can retrieve your dog here. Amazing how well people round him adapted to watching their dogs.

I didn't say people should let their dogs go chase other people's livestock. Where I'm from, if that happened, the dog owner got a few warnings, but if the owner didn't do anything and the dog kept showing up, then it'd need to be dealt with. That's how it used to work.

What I'm saying is people in rural areas can let their dogs outside their house to roam around their own property, and shouldn't need to worry about their cattle dog getting ripped up by a wolf, within rock throwing distance of the owner's house.

To turn your point in another direction, aren't the wolves in this story the "dogs" roaming around killing people's animals (dogs)? Shouldn't the wolves be managed, or can they go wherever they want.

If the latter, then we won't be seeing a reboot of the TV show Lassie any time soon. The first time she tries to save little Timmy from the well, she'd get shredded by wolves. Sorry Timmy, you're on your own.

And on your statement about dogs killing more livestock than wolves, and dogs killed by vehicles and people's run ins with dogs, that's probably because in the US there's a much larger dog population than wolves. It's a numbers game.

But as more wolves start showing up in more places, more things like this are going to happen.
Got a name? mtmuley
Yep Hank Meyers...i saw a few of his casualties and my uncle had his dog shot in the butt. My uncle took it in aunt wasn't happy with Hank. His son is much nicer i believe. He hung the dogs on Middle Burnt Fork road across from the old school/ church.
I spoke to a MT wolf biologist...interesting guy to talk to. The numbers of wolves aren't as high as people think. I believe his top end estimate was 1500 in MT. Bears are about 10-15 times that and mt lions are 5-6 times that. But wolves by far do the most damage (sarcasm). The biologist believes 1/4-1/3 of the population is killed by hunters each year. The only thing he told me that i was skeptical of (albeit he has much better info than i would) is the average age of wolves that are killed is 2 years old...that seems low but he said they don't live a long time because, as he put it, it's a rough life being a wolf.
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