Twilight (The movie)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So.. is this area the only place where the friggin Women are GOOGOO over this dumb movie ? It opens tonight and my wife and alot of other friends are gonig to the midnight show. it's been on our Blog as a countdown for months and months. She owns all 4 books.

They started out earlier today going to dinner and I jsut text messaged her and it's 2.5 hours prior to the start of the movie and they are in their seats already... I mean really, anyone else that excited besides MtMiller ?
What is it with chicks, and vampires? Dumbest damn thing in the world. Same boat as you Moosie. Thank God we are 2 hours from the nearest multiplex, or mine would be there too. Almost all her girl porn, errrr I mean, "books" are about friggin vampires. HELLO the reality express is boarding howz about you get your ass aboard. FRIGGIN WOMEN!

P.S. Go to sleep, or she'll want to share all about her movie.
It's all I hear about from my 12 year old :BLEEP: my wife would be there but we are leaving for SD at 6 am tomorrow (she's got her priorites straight-deer and pheasants BEFORE a movie!) humphumphump
Dude... She was reading a book last night and I was Asleep. I got woken up. I'm not complaining about "that" ... ;) I also don't mind the biting ;) hump Speaking of that, I probably should get some sleep before she gets home :p

I just don't understand people and opening of movies. Star Wars is another one... Sitting in line for days to get tickets to an opening show ? I might do it to be funny or something like at a Napolean dynomite show...but really, WTF ?
They are a rare, and wiley breed my friend. Brace yourself, but I'm going to hit you with the truth. Our wives are DORKS!!!!!! One the upside they're about two rungs up the ladder from the "Star Wars" crowd, and those goofs that "speak" Klingon.
It is really crazy here-all of the women in my family read all 4 books in like 3 days for each (each book)!! Now they are planning a girls weekend to Forks, Washington...............|oo
My wife is going tonight to see with with the gals. I could care less to be honest. She bought her tickets two weeks ago on Fandango and it was nearly sold out then. All I have heard about the last few weeks is Twilight this and Twilight that. My 11 year old daughter is all over it too. Yeah, a freakin' 11 yo for crying out loud. Makes me sick....

Oh, Edward!
My wife and sister in laws have read and re-read the books multiple times, went to the midnight showing in downtown boise last night, I just dont get it. Although my wife explained to me that she cant fathom getting up at 3 AM for days on end during hunting season, to each their own, right?

One of our friends here has a sister that bought out an entire seating for one of the showings tonight. She asked my wife if she wanted in on the fun - my wife did one of these :rolleyes: and made up something about going to her sister's place for dessert. I am glad she doesn't get into the hype of most women.
My wife isn't interested.
The teenage girls are lined up around the block. It's beyond me. When a movie comes out that I really want to see, I wait a month. To the best of my knowledge, you get to see the same movie , just no lines and better seats.
I can't under stand that, she can't understand hunting... thats why Men and Women are different I guess ;)
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