turkey grand slam

I found the Rios to be the easiest of the 3 Iv'e hunted. The easterns were spooky but where I was in Penn. the get the hell hunted out of em. Hunted back there 3 times ,was easy to get jakes in ,toms whould always hen up. Merriams in Az. have been a blast . If not interested they will not come. Have had many come in runnin tho. The Rios we did in Okla. they were easy I thought. Its All fun. Get to to try N. Dakota birds this years and still working on aGoulds trip that I thought was a done deal. I have My 3 species mounted. Wife thinks they are all ugly. Wait till she sees all 5mounted someday! LoL. By the way blizzard out rite now and 4-5 foot drifts and more coming here 8 miles north of Minot......BOB!
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Not that it means anything vis-a-vis others opine but here goes anyway....I killed my first Eastern using a piece of slate I picked up from creek bottom and a hickory limb I had whittled on.....around 50 years ago....I was well camoed in my red flannel shirt, blue jeans and DeKalb Corn cap.....or maybe it was a John Deere cap.....but I stayed still......
I have hunted Rio's twice in four bird area----got 8, I have never hunted Merriams without killing one and usually calling more for bud's who did not have one on their first trip, I hunted Osceola three times before taking one but have taken one every trip since(usually four day trips), I probably would not go to Mexico again just now where I found my two Gould's to be like Easterrn's or to Campeche where you shoot the Oscilated out of a roost!
Yeah, I got a World Slam....so what???
After 50 years of hunting the bustards, my opine is Osceola are never easy, over two year old Easterns are never easy and the others are just go kill one but Gould's can be tuff.....BTW, if you think Easterns are easy, try hunting the TN ridge and valley area and the eastern Appalachians for your first 30 years of turkey hunting before NWTF got them established everywhere! Easier now but still tuff especially if looking for an older boss!
You can go online to NWTF and find scoring sheets, the enter bird.....size does not matter to get your slam....I shot a Jake Merrims...last day at sunset... to get my first slam!
Tom, sounds like Youv'e had some fun over the years. It's just a blast hearing them gobbles at day break. I learned on My own back in the early 90's hunting Merriams in the white mountains of AZ. Had some fun and some frustrations learning on My own. I got an old Knight & Hale box call I have used all along. I have turned many on to turkey hunting and they all get hooked. I'm gettin excited for this year just talking about it. Congrats on Your slams........BOB!
My knees and neck have got me too old to chase some 4-legged critters that I love to hunt on my own but I can still call a duck and a turkl burd!
Working on a FL hunt with a cuppla buds----may not wok out. Got a KY, SEMO as usual, and a KS hunt set up. If FL comes about, may beg a TX bud to let me come hunt then go to NB after KS hunt to try a Merriams....never thought about or did all four in one year.....sounds like it could be entertaining!
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I'm from Wisconsin and have never hunted anything other than Eastern's. But in about six weeks I'm taking my 7 year old son to Neb, to chase around some Merriams. I killed 12 Eastern's last year and I find them to not be that hard to hunt if you put in the time. So I hope that I can get my son I a nice Merriam.
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