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James Riley

Jan 10, 2015
Study Trump's demeanor closely immediately before taking the oath of office.

Then, study it again immediately after taking the oath of office.

I have done this with Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama. There is a palpable change, a cowing, a coming-to-heel which is, to me, very different than a mere humbling or realization of the weightiness of the office.

Somebody tells them something. A secret. And they change. They fall in line.

Tin foil hat? I think not. They were all allowed to serve but they all stayed within a lane that ran counter to their previously stated campaign/personal philosophies, in one regard or another.

Don't expect much in the way of change when it comes to the fundamentals that Sanders and Trump were in agreement upon. Rather, expect Clinton's positions on those issues to continue.

Change? Yeah, there will be some change. So long as it does not threaten his masters. And we ain't the masters.

As to federal public lands, well, we shall see. Thank you to all who fight to keep them federal public lands. Maybe the real estate agent in Trump will stand down. If he must let it out, maybe he'll be buying and not selling. :)
I am a Trump fan. Not comfortable that Republicans carried the House, Senate and President. Federal public lands could be in trouble.
Congrats on electing the 21st century's version of Hitler.
Hopefully in time, Over-the-Hillary will take up residence where she a Federal prison. Perhaps now the FBI can conduct an HONEST investigation without having to worry about being another suicide statistic.
Study Trump's demeanor closely immediately before taking the oath of office.

Then, study it again immediately after taking the oath of office.

I have done this with Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama. There is a palpable change, a cowing, a coming-to-heel which is, to me, very different than a mere humbling or realization of the weightiness of the office.

Somebody tells them something. A secret. And they change. They fall in line.

Tin foil hat? I think not. They were all allowed to serve but they all stayed within a lane that ran counter to their previously stated campaign/personal philosophies, in one regard or another.

Don't expect much in the way of change when it comes to the fundamentals that Sanders and Trump were in agreement upon. Rather, expect Clinton's positions on those issues to continue.

Change? Yeah, there will be some change. So long as it does not threaten his masters. And we ain't the masters.

As to federal public lands, well, we shall see. Thank you to all who fight to keep them federal public lands. Maybe the real estate agent in Trump will stand down. If he must let it out, maybe he'll be buying and not selling. :)

It's an elite club and you aren't in it.
JFK is the last President to threaten the banksters and he will probably continue to be the last.
It's an elite club and you aren't in it.
JFK is the last President to threaten the banksters and he will probably continue to be the last.

Pretty much my thinking. A real hero would fall on his sword. Maybe that's why we don't have many single, childless Presidents with nothing to lose. Even if they were willing to stand up, it's hard to put the lives of your loved ones on the line too.
Hopefully in time, Over-the-Hillary will take up residence where she a Federal prison. Perhaps now the FBI can conduct an HONEST investigation without having to worry about being another suicide statistic.

Yep. The voters in this country have finally done the right thing. I am sure that the gun-owning hypocrites that voted for Hellary are now in mourning.

A great day for this country and now they had better do it right, or it can switch back to the looney crowd.

This may lower the price of ammo a bit!!
Wonder how much a Willie Jeff speech goes for now?

Godwin in 3, wow, wanna get this in before Fin takes the car keys away because that is some colossal stupidity right there.
Godwin in 3, wow, wanna get this in before Fin takes the car keys away because that is some colossal stupidity right there.

I agree. I have a tough time connecting the dots with any candidate and Hitler, who exterminated millions of his own people. Someone is going to have to explain that one to me.

I foresee many locked threads in the near future.
I love our country and our right for elections by the people, regardless of candidate.

There are 2 years to make something happen - for good or for bad. Then there will be mid-term elections. Of the 195 countries in the world, we are one of the few where a vote truly does matter.

We have 4% of world population, and have over 41% (estimated $63.5 trillion dollars) of the worlds personal wealth. Amazing. Unfortunately, most of that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small percentage of Americans. The average CEO pay is 262 times an average worker ($10,982,000 vs. $41,861) - the worst inequality in the world.

We are a great country, and the most democratic. We also have the greatest percent of the population in prison.

Needless to say, I'm only scratching the surface as there are so many complicated things to address in such a free and open society, where every law abiding citizen has the right to bear arms.

God Bless America, and give us all the wisdom to do whats best for us all, and for ourselves.
Congrats on electing the 21st century's version of Hitler.
I'm not a Trump or Clinton supporter, and think they are two sides of the same crappy coin, but you people still pushing this "Hitler" crap are pathetic. First, you should probably brush up on history (specifically the part where Hitler facilitated the murder of millions of people) and then compare that to Trumps actions, you'll realize how stupid you sound. Second, if you truly believe that the WORDS trump said throughout his compain are so terrible and so painful and in any way compare to the atrocities that Hitler committed-YOU are what's wrong with this country.
I'm not a Trump or Clinton supporter, and think they are two sides of the same crappy coin, but you people still pushing this "Hitler" crap are pathetic. First, you should probably brush up on history (specifically the part where Hitler facilitated the murder of millions of people) and then compare that to Trumps actions, you'll realize how stupid you sound. Second, if you truly believe that the WORDS trump said throughout his compain are so terrible and so painful and in any way compare to the atrocities that Hitler committed-YOU are what's wrong with this country.

Well put, but I would argue that he is not the same side of the coin-only time will tell that, however.
Come on. Let's not lock this thread.

I voted for neither of the two. This morning, my facebook feed is filled with chicken littles and gloating self proclaimed patriots.

Trump supporters of this morning remind me a lot of Obama supporters on this day in 2008. They think the world will instantaneously be fixed, they are pie eyed and optimistic. The smell of their naivete could clear a room. It's cute.

If you wanted Clinton to win, it's probably not as bad as you fear. If you wanted Trump to win, prepare for disappointment. On the bright side, it's November and I have tags in my pocket.
Come on. Let's not lock this thread.

I voted for neither of the two. This morning, my facebook feed is filled with chicken littles and gloating self proclaimed patriots.

Trump supporters of this morning remind me a lot of Obama supporters on this day in 2008. They think the world will instantaneously be fixed, they are pie eyed and optimistic. The smell of their naivete could clear a room. It's cute.

If you wanted Clinton to win, it's probably not as bad as you fear. If you wanted Trump to win, prepare for disappointment. On the bright side, it's November and I have tags in my pocket.

This is probably right, but the fix has to start somewhere and with Klinton, there was nowhere to start.
Time will tell with this guy. Not a bad finish for someone with zero chances of winning.
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