Trump talks Hunting and PLA with F&S

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Before everybody goes and signs up for the campaign, remember to find out what his actual policies would be.

He's only carnival barking right now. There's no depth or substance to what he's saying. It's all dog whistle politics right now.

There's no depth or substance to what he's saying. It's all dog whistle politics right now.

I don't disagree Ben, but I would also argue that there is little depth or substance to what any of them are saying.

It seems to me that in the last few presidential elections there is never any substance, or the candidates so called policies are just the narrative that they believe will get them elected. Then it is just whatever the party platform is or the hard realities dictate. In effect it is all what you call "dog whistle politics", if I take your meaning correctly. Say the Dems win, how much different do you think the outcome would be in 4 years between Clinton and Sanders. My guess is it would be inconsequential.

I think there is a big difference state and national level elections and that State elected reps feel much more accountable to their constituency, and the higher the level of the office the more dependent a candidate is on their party to support them.

It just takes to damned much money to get elected president, that they are always going to be in the pocket of the party, and indirectly the lobbies. Short of a couple of cases, more money = presidency.

When it comes to public lands, I really don't think any of the candidates really care about the lands from the perspective we do. I think they really just care about what their donors want.
Before everybody goes and signs up for the campaign, remember to find out what his actual policies would be.

He's only carnival barking right now. There's no depth or substance to what he's saying. It's all dog whistle politics right now.

The same could be said for every politician out there. Hell do actually think uncle Bernie believes the crap he spews will work? I doubt it, he just knows the low information, lazy, entitlement crowd eats it up...."free everything!! YAY"

Same goes for Hitlary. Last decade she was for "protecting the sanctity of marriage...with great umbrage", now she's pro any type of marriage. She is pandering to the crowd, you when she busts out the fake southern accent.
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The same could be said for every politician out there. Hell do actually think uncle Bernie believes the crap he spews will work? I doubt it, he just knows the low information, lazy, entitlement crowd eats it up...."free everything!! YAY"

I have not seen were he has said free chit for all.
I have seen where the $ would come from.
Getting the freeloader rich/banks/corps to pay taxes again.
America,love it or leave it,after paying your bills.
I have not seen were he has said free chit for all.
I have seen where the $ would come from.
Getting the freeloader rich/banks/corps to pay taxes again.
America,love it or leave it,after paying your bills.

Free college, expanding medicare (ie free medical care), $15 an hour minimum wage (ie free money you didn't earn). The FSA loves Bernie for a reason.

And lets not forget how both nutters (Hildog and Bernie) bragged about their "poor NRA rating" (not that im a fan of the NRA, but just shows how they pander to the crowd).

If you're a socialist or communist, I get why you like Bernie. You want to take from the "haves", and hand it to the "have nots". I truly get it. I think its probably the most moronic thing I've ever heard, but I get it. You want more, for less.
Yeah but, Willie Robertson just endorsed Trump. How can it get any more clear than that? :rolleyes:
Whichever way the wind blows

Sounds like great talk from the Donald until he's sitting in front of the Americans Lands Council, can only imagine that he will sing a different tune, especially when it comes to extractive interests. Just like he was for Hillary until he was running against her.
The income gap is the biggest it's been since the 1920's. The middle class is gone because the upper class bought both our elected and appointed officials and shipped the jobs overseas so that they could buy a 5th vacation house and move more money offshore. I'm not democrat or republican, but I'm anti-big business and corporate greed, and pro-public lands and conservation. None of the R's resemble anything I could support, though The Donald appears to be the least worst of the group.
I don't disagree Ben, but I would also argue that there is little depth or substance to what any of them are saying.

It seems to me that in the last few presidential elections there is never any substance, or the candidates so called policies are just the narrative that they believe will get them elected. Then it is just whatever the party platform is or the hard realities dictate. In effect it is all what you call "dog whistle politics", if I take your meaning correctly. Say the Dems win, how much different do you think the outcome would be in 4 years between Clinton and Sanders. My guess is it would be inconsequential.

I think there is a big difference state and national level elections and that State elected reps feel much more accountable to their constituency, and the higher the level of the office the more dependent a candidate is on their party to support them.

It just takes to damned much money to get elected president, that they are always going to be in the pocket of the party, and indirectly the lobbies. Short of a couple of cases, more money = presidency.

When it comes to public lands, I really don't think any of the candidates really care about the lands from the perspective we do. I think they really just care about what their donors want.

Not a danged thing to disagree with there. Well said.
If you're a socialist or communist, I get why you like Bernie. You want to take from the "haves", and hand it to the "have nots". I truly get it. I think its probably the most moronic thing I've ever heard, but I get it. You want more, for less.

You don't get it. You truly don't. Bernie Sanders is a natural response to the failure of a free people to control themselves. If those who champion the idea of capitalism actually acted in accord with their principles, by accepting personal responsibility for their own actions (cost internalization) and exercising enlightened self-interest, ala Adam Smith, then there would not only be no Bernie Sanders, there would be no need for government.

As it is though, those who champion the idea of capitalism like to socialize their costs (to that extent *they* are socialists) and avail themselves of big government protection from having to take personal responsibility for their own actions (corporate limited liability). They think they can defy the laws of physics by pulling themselves up by their own boot straps and they are so ungrateful, inconsiderate, disrespectful and ignorant of fact, as to think they can be self-made men.

No one wants to be controlled except, possibly, through self control. However, while external efforts to control may manifest notwithstanding, it is clear that a failure to exercise self control will definitely engender those external efforts. A free people will inevitably bring attention to themselves.

The question then is this: If you were to be controlled, would you rather be controlled by “the people”, of which you are one, pursuant to democratic socialism and the leadership of folks like Bernie Sanders? Or would you rather be controlled by a political elite such as Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, et al, who are themselves controlled by those who champion the idea of capitalism but who are actually cost-externalizing, irresponsible socialists who parade around as risk-taking captains of daring-do?

So, it's democratic socialism (Sanders) or socialism (Bush/Hillary)?

Self control/people control, or external control by “them”?

Speaking of free, the "haves" bankers to which you refer have been getting free money since 2008 until the fed just raised the rate a paltry .25%. And yet you were charged how much to borrow that money? And all this after 8 years of Republicans ruined the world economy. It's taken 7 years to barely recover and it won't really happen for another 20 years or so, if then. The damage was next to permanent. And, to the extent Democrats are complicit, it's only because their cowardly asses (Hilary) went along with the Republicans for fear of being called "un-American" or "un-patriotic."

Sanders and Trump are the only possible way out of this mess and even then only if we clean House and Senate.
At the end of the day no matter who gets the nomination or each of our votes, having Trump say he is against selling public lands is a great thing. Hopefully, other Republicans are in tune with that message resonating with a lot of people and change their stance on this issue.

The position of every politician is subject to evolution when their donors and supporters voice what they want. I think everyone needs to be saying, "Donald Trump is exactly right about this issue!" Even if they can't stand the guy and would never vote for him.
Politicians are like dogs. You reward good behavior and punish poor behavior.

Great post Gerald.
I think everyone needs to be saying, "Donald Trump is exactly right about this issue!" Even if they can't stand the guy and would never vote for him.

But, but, but . . . *That* would be focusing on the merits of an issue and what was said, instead of focusing on who said it! Blasphemy, I tell you! That would be undoing our proud American tradition of division and hating! What's wrong with you! ;)
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