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Trump talks Hunting and PLA with F&S

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Really guys? How much worse could it be than the one we have now??? I admit, the pool of candidates is shallow to say the least, BUT, Im leaning towards Trump. . . .
If you a voting for Hilary, raise your smack yourself in the mouth with it! GEEZ.....
I'm willing to give the Don the chance, heck we gave "HOPE" 8 yrs....:)
I trust all of them about as much as a fart when I have the flu. That being said, I like the fact that Trump doesn't need money and is less likely to take favors. I also like the fact that he is willing to tackle matters related to our trade with other nations since I feel we are getting fleeced in a lot of ways. It doesn't mean I am full on support mode, but it doesn't hurt. I could never vote for Hillary.
...Trump is the best option we've had in recent history.

Apparently you don't read the entire thread before you post. Greenhorn just said that his lab, Bear, will be on the ballot... and by the looks of his photo, he seems like the kind of candidate that will get things done!
I like the fact that Trump is beholden to no one, but it is a strange admission that I find myself rooting for someone who I would never know about if it weren't for his billions.

Oh, wait, . . . the Democrats did field someone who hasn't sold out and is not a billionaire. Hmmm? :confused::D

You can't get a whole lot more "democratic socialism" than the idea of lands owned by society. I prefer social democracy to democratic socialism, but when the pendulum has swung so far in the other direction I think there is room for a little push-back. Like Bundy, some of the powers-that-be will have brought the push-back response upon themselves. Sad, really. They've had so many opportunities to enlighten their self interest in accord with their own Adam Smith, and some of our historical wealthy elite. But no, they had to unbridle their "greed is good" natures and run amok. If Trump gets in, hopefully he can moderate the pendulum.
If you guys want an explanation as to the rise and continued success of The Donald as a presidential candidate I invite you to read Scott Adams' blog. His observations and predictions have been pretty spot on, but he draws cartoons for a living so. . .
But, the Republicans didn't come up with him. The Republican Party doesn't want him. That's why he's so good! Trump is the best option we've had in recent history.

Exactly! The GOP didn't come up with him...he kicked the door in and stole the show. There's a lot to dislike about all of the candidates, but let's face it, Trump is exactly what we need if we're ever going to get out of this politically correct, sensitive, "everything offends me", and everyone gets a trophy society. He might be a little over the top, but who else is going to right the ship when the rest of them are full of the same old bulls**t?
Before everybody goes and signs up for the campaign, remember to find out what his actual policies would be.

He's only carnival barking right now. There's no depth or substance to what he's saying. It's all dog whistle politics right now.
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