Transporting vs using a local taxidermist?

Nov 14, 2015
So I've been doing some reading and did not realize that there was such a big deal about transporting a head. My original intentions were if I get lucky and have an antelope head I would like to have a euro mount made I was going to bring it back to NY and have my guy do it. Now I'm considering having it done in Wyoming and shipped to me. Peoples thoughts on this and their plan of attack??
I know for Minnesota you have to remove the brain matter. If that's the same for NY, bring a long skinny spoon and remove the brain yourself. Just a thought.
All of these transport restrictions are aimed at curbing CWD and pertain to cervids (the deer family). Antelope are not in the deer family, are not affected by CWD, and transportation of them is not restricted. It would basically be the same as transporting a bear or other non-deer big game. You are perfectly fine to take your antelope head back to NY.
And he would be perfectly fine taking a Deer or Elk head back as well. For a euro, cape it, remove the lower jaw, the eyes and brain matter, and head for home.
Honestly I have never even thought about it...albeit I am spoiled. My best friend happens to be a taxidermist so he is always with me on trips. He brings a fleshing board and everything when we antelope hunt. He preps and salts all the hides and horns in camp and takes them home with I guess my advice is make friends with your taxidermist :cool:
I have left two for local taxidermists to handle. Took a little while to get the 1st one back and the 2nd will get picked up in a few weeks. Very happy with the first buck. My friend had a Euro done by a local and opened his box only to find it was not his antelope. Taxidermist assured him it was his skull and finally swallowed his words after seeing the pictures.

Other than the shipping confusion I would say Western taxidermists handle far more antelope so they know them better and that's why I left my two in Wyoming. However, if you have the room and trust your person close to home then bring it back.
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