NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Tragedy for Deerslayer


New member
Dec 23, 2000
Our friend "Deerslayer" sent me an E-mail this weekend and ask me to let his friends at hunttalk know why he will be off the net for a while.
His oldest son (18 years) was in a very bad auto accident, and is on life support.
The doctors say he's brain dead, 0% chance of recovery.
Mark (deerslayer) had a very good year hunting, but his personal life has been very rough, and this is the worst thing that can happen to a parent.
Mark ask that he be left alone for a while to grive, he dosn't want to talk to anyone.

Our thoughts & prayers go out to him.

Dan Hearne aka "Anaconda"

P.S. I sent a few people e-mails asking to keep it off the net, but this morning, Mark said I should just post it.
That just makes me sick to my stomach. My prayers are with Mark and his family.
DS.... Words can't say what I feel for ya bud. I know of the prior years stuff. That coupled with this

Hang in there and If you ever need to chat, I'm here for ya, you got my number !!!
AS I sent Dan in an email, before I knew it was okay to go public, I lost my son years ago, after several days on life support. There is no greater pain. It hurts to think about it, even now, 20-some years later.

I cannot begin to express how sorry I am, Mark. You all will be in my prayers.
So sorry to hear about this. Can't imagine what you are going through but my prayers are with you.
What a terribly tragic loss. May God grant him peace, acceptance and understanding. May this loss endear to our hearts the value of our loved ones, our friends, and our blessings. DS my heart goes out to you. If there is anything other than prayer I may do say the word.
I can't even start to think of what you may be going through. You can bet that you and your family will be in Our prayers and thoughts.
I'm the barer of very, very sad news. Mark told me his son passed-away today.

Let's all remember him & his family in our prayer; this is a very difficult time.

Mark, if you need anything, just let me know, I'm there for you.

Life is cruel sometimes. Wish there was something I could say or do to help ease the emotional pain. Lots of prayers for you guys tonight.

So sorry...
Mark and Family,
I am so sorry

When trouble comes, we often say,
"Why did this have to be?"
But blessings come in many ways
that sometimes we can't see.

Everything that happens
is part of God's eternal plan.
Today what seems a mystery
in time we'll understand.

Remember prayers are with you
to give you strength today.
Call on those of us who love you
to share with you along the way.

Elkhunter and L.B.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-08-2003 20:54: Message edited by: Left Behind ]</font>

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