PEAX Equipment

Top Ten "Randyisms"


New member
May 15, 2016
Hi Randy;

I'm a big fan of your U-Tube videos. I find them informative, entertaining, and down to earth. For me, you'd be the type a guy I would want to hunt with. It's unlikely we'd ever hunt together as I'm from Canada and I'm sure you get a ton of offers all the time. But I would like to meet you someday and shake your hand. BTW, I still haven't bagged my first elk, so meeting you might remove the curse.

Anyway, having watched most of your videos I've come up with a top ten list "Randyisms" that I'd like to share with this forum. Others are encouraged to add as well. These quotes may be commonly spoken in the US of A but I don't hear them often or at all during a hunt in Canada.

Hope you enjoy!

1) After a kill shot...."He's deader than a disco"

2) "Burns are the Dairy Queen for the Elk"

3) After shooting a grouse..."I feel like chicken tonight!, I feel like chicken tonight!"

4) After some difficult hunting.... "Well, that was a rodeo"

5) Prior to climbing a mountain.... "Time to put the shoulder to the grade"

6) "Ugly is my first choice, then big" (Won't touch that one)

7) When hunting goes bad..."Welcome to the world of hunting public land"

8) When hunting goes well..."Some days are diamonds, it's a 20 carat diamond day today"

9) After another kill shot..."That was the end of the gig for him"

10) After an elderly gentleman got a buck...."You gotta smile like a ripple on a slop pail" Hilarious video btw.

Keep up the good work Randy.
I think the 1. has to be " You will run out of health before you run outta money"

This sentiment has really resonated with me and I've definitely reevaluated my priorities as life has pounded the truth of this phrase into me over the last month.
Ha great Idea. I agree Randy is a pretty down to earth guy. He's genuine. When I was just getting into elk hunting he answered a few of my emails and I was very grateful for his help. I also enjoy his funny quotes and have laughed out loud many tmes. "dead as disco" is also one of my favorites as well but my top is the one at the bottom of my signature line.
Hi Randy;

It just occurred to me that you could add to your revenue stream by trademarking some of these phrases and start selling t-shirts, hats, whatever. I realize some of these phrases are not originally yours, such as "You will run out of health before you run outta money" about a colleague of yours that mentioned that phrase before dying of cancer (but you could claim it). Some are original "Randyisms", though. At the top of the scale look at what Michael Buffer has done with "Let's get ready to Rumble", it's worth millions. If you need a marketing manager let me know.....You heard it here first!
Don't remember if it was a youtube video or podcast or what:

"If you always do what you always done, then you always get what you always got"
My favorite Randyism is when he turns to the camera after a good shot and exclaims, " I just smoked that Daddy-rabbit, Swamp Donkey, Joker!" He's eloquent that way. :)
How about after a kill and gently patting the critter...."Thank-you Mr. Bull, Thank-you"
Great post. I love the north Minnesota vanacular that comes out of ole Randy! Especially when he gets excited about a good shot.
The "Charlie Daniels" of whatever the subject may be. Had to finally look up who the hell Charlie Daniels is.
Since I'm around the gentleman quite frequently I'll add some that I know of. I'll probably post more as they come to mind.

1. Big Hank ( I use this now to refer to any critter of size we are after)

2. Time to lock in the hubs (as we climb a steep grade)

3. I'll be all over that like a rat on a cheeto

4. You've obviously mistaken me for someone who cares about your feelings

5. That thing was a piker (referring to a critter of subpar size and proportion)

6. Look at that melon head (referring to bears head size)

There's some for starters.....

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