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Top 5 westerns

Strong! I would say that for me Clint, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach can hang with any cast. Clint Eastwood really wasn’t even the true lead of Good/Bad/Ugly imo.

Bit of a stretch, but There Will Be Blood is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. Speaking of good acting, Daniel Day Louis…
Probably second best cast for sure.
Anyone enjoy "Last of The Dogmen"? Hokey but that one got me good as a kid when it came out.

I joke with an old timber cruiser/mule packer friend that if they'd existed he'd a found em first :p
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It's to hard to name 5. So ill let you all keep naming them. I'm off work and the weather sucks. I've watched so many westerns in the last 3 weeks I feel like I'm living in one.
Magnificent Seven (the real one)
The Sacketts
My Pal Trigger
Ride Clear of Diablo
Winchester 73