Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

To call or not to call

Calling bull elk durning archery

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As most people are saying its more of a when you should call question, not if you should call, there are times when calling is the worst thing you can do, and there are times when calling is mandatory, as a very general rule, if you can see the elk they can see you, don't call... if they are making noise no need to call, get close and wait for the right time to call to seal the deal, if they are dead quiet and it's thick then cold calling setups can be great, what doesn't tend to work well is locating via bugles, then cow calling your way towards the bull from half a mile out...if I can listen from 500 yards out and tell its a hunter because it sounds like a BRO video you better bet pressured elk will be having none of it.

Regardless of what you are up to make sure you are reasonably ready every single time you call, no calling in the middle of meadows, no bow 20' away, take the time to walk to some cover and put your bow where you can reach it, things can happen fast and it sucks to blow your one opportunity on a trip because you were lazy and ripped a bugle from a spot where you have no prayer of shooting.
Bugled a bull from the seat of my quad in AZ, shot him at about 10 yards 15 minutes later at 12 noon.
Had them bugle at my quad as I was driving down the road in both NM and WY.
I’m not really interested in killing an elk that I’m not calling in, in September. That’s what rifle season is for .
I’m not really interested in killing an elk that I’m not calling in, in September. That’s what rifle season is for .
You wouldn’t even try to kill this bull if you had to ambush it? Some older bulls can be fairly uncallable IME. Ambush hunting or spot and stalk can be damn exciting too.


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Well Huntresses and Hunters are we getting the itch or what!!!

I love to archery hunt. I love calling more. I'm not a pro at all not even close IMO. I will be honest, I play the temperature when it comes to bugling or calling elk. If its hotter than the blazes of hades I'll cow call. Early morning I will start off with a "weak" bugle to test the waters, and follow with a cow call or three do the same in the evening or if I'm in cooler timber (yes I've used the hoochie mama before) use reeds almost exclusively now.

I practice on the rides to work, used to practice at work when I was stocking shelves at night much to the annoyance of co-workers. They got over it, well I took another job.

I've had better luck with cow calls in the afternoons than anything else. Had success in getting bugle when cow calling if rut is in full swing or a satellite has been kicked out or run off. With that said I have never taken an elk with stick and string. It would be great to do so, there's something about getting that answer back that just gives me an adrenaline dump and hypnotizes me.

I spent one night listening to bugle after bugle. Next morning they answered back. Until about 830. Next night same thing, slight skiff of snow fog rolled in, answered until noon when temps started climbing.

Those are my experiences.
I think I need to hear more about your practice while stocking shelves. How many coworkers did you have and what was their proximity to you? 😂
You wouldn’t even try to kill this bull if you had to ambush it? Some older bulls can be fairly uncallable IME. Ambush hunting or spot and stalk can be damn exciting too.
I’ve ambushed a couple bulls, it was fun but I didn’t feel like I tricked em. I’m not saying if me and that bull crossed paths in archery range I wouldn’t shoot it. I just wouldn’t hunt it that way. Assuming it was bedding in trees, I would hunt it there.
I think I need to hear more about your practice while stocking shelves. How many coworkers did you have and what was their proximity to you? 😂
We had five on the stocking crew some nights. Our book keeper and night front end manager. At 0300 the doughnut guy came in (he was hunter so he started in on the fun). Just like in the woods youstart with a locator bugle and then cow call. If you bugle back let her rip again so you know where it's coming from. Repeat process. Throw-in calf sounds. If bakery guy challenges bugle again gonto bakery through day old doughnut at him and say Challenge accepted.
Proximity varied. Usually ended up in an aisle by myself. Weirdos.

Side note, great reactions with a reed in Walmart. You can even achieve levitation on some unsuspecting individuals. It helps with practicing your stalking techniques.
If you're great at calling - and the elk are talking, call away.
If you're like me, and are not great at calling, better be good at walking instead :)