To All The New Elk Hunters.......

sreekers, be sure to explain how the resident tag subsidy works to the 'don't come to Colorado' crowd..;)
Make sure and put down if your trying to cut some of your cost if coming from out east then your best option is stopping at the first state...:rolleyes:
I think some ideas on where to start with maps ect in choosing areas you will scout. I know just "covering a lot of ground" and "getting away from roads" doesn't lead directly to finding elk but past that I'm lost.:)

Nathan and I have talked a bit today, and we are going to split the scouting portion into two sections. He is going to cover the map scouting portion and I am will be doing the boots on the ground portion.

My plan is to scout this summer, take as many pictures as possible(without giving away spots), and show what places that hold elk look like. Also plan to use the pictures to show how to find them with the spotting scope.

Another piece, that will require success to actually work, will be some videos that show different ways of getting the elk out. One would be deboning, another quarters, removing backstraps, etc.
This a great and very helpful idea, and I look forward to learning as much as I can. I too am a newbie, looking into a DIY archery elk hunt for the first time. so,...

What does "elk habitat" look like? What sign do you look for? What altitude should you start looking for elk at during different times of the year and rut? Is "thicker" terrain better? What do you do when you get to the unit you have chosen and you find no elk? When you have 2 inexperienced hunters do you stick together all day long or split up for part of the day and try to locate animals? What's a reasonable amount of ground to cover in a given day? Do you cover the same ground multiple days if you see no elk there? Do elk move a lot or can you get back on them the next day once you have found them?

Camping supplies needed for tent/backpack camping? How do you haul in water, and if you have to use stream water, what do you do to purify it? Must-Haves for your daily backpack? and your larger pack ? What types of packs are needed to haul an elk out? Do you bone the elk out or haul out quarters? (I see no sense in carrying bone) If it involves 2 days of packing, what do you cut and haul on each trip?

Would you recommend doing a rifle hunt first before an archery hunt?

WOW! I have been reading a lot, but need to read and learn more... Like you said, experienced flat-land deer hunters have a lot to learn!
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My plan is to scout this summer, take as many pictures as possible(without giving away spots), and show what places that hold elk look like. Also plan to use the pictures to show how to find them with the spotting scope.
Internet scouting
Teaching them how to snipe spots?

You can have an exercise where you give them a trophy pic and they try to figure out the spot using Google earth. Gh can run that one.
A lot of generous and considerate teaching can be done without people "sniping" spots. As a newbie, one meadow will look just like the next and one tree will look just like the next million. Heck, I'd be hard pressed to tell what state a picture was taken in! Taking up a new species in a new part of the country is quite overwhelming, so THANK YOU to all who are willing to share.
Internet scouting
Teaching them how to snipe spots?

You can have an exercise where you give them a trophy pic and they try to figure out the spot using Google earth. Gh can run that one.

Lot of angst in that post, I will try not to give any of yours up.....:)
How to use elk vocalizations during the rifle season. Everyone and their brother has penned articles on bow season, but I have never seen one aimed directly at the gun hunter.
I have hunted Elk from BC to NM/AZ and not kilt no Elk in most places.....bu tsix set of Ivory's are in a basket....and two bulls are on the wall.....
Be sure to hunt with no snow, ride a four wheeler to your chosen spot, don't call and stay out of various states....
On a serious note......the first in the series of articles will be coming out at the beginning of the week. I will post up a link to it at that point.
be good with a knife and learn how to quarter and debone your animal. make sure you have the right rifle for the job and make sure you are confident with it

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