Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Tminus 5 days who's excited


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2013
5 days to go . I can't hardly take it .... gonna be long week . What's everyone's opening day plans
I have to work today and tomorrow then head out. Rendezvous at my buddies house in Wellington then take off for the mountain at zero dark thirty WED. Looks like front coming through with a possibility of snow for opening day and I am really excited. Forecast looks good for cool temps and clear skies the rest of the week as well. Carrying bull, buck and bear tags this year and I will pop the first legal of all of those as well. The freezer is down to about 1/4 full right now. Have to admit that I really am already checked out in my mind. Hope everyone has a great, safe time in the woods!!
My hunting partner is selling his house on Friday. He is furnishing the 5th wheel. Makes it iffy for our hunt on Saturday. My 2nd hunting partner (my brother and my hunting mentor) may drive from Roswell (120miles) for opening. My first hunting partner (husband of my favorite niece; I have over 60 nieces and nephews) will close (buying) his home on Monday.

Makes hunting my priority, not necessarily the first hunting partner. I called my niece to apologize and she laughed. She and her other half had already discussed this and she told him that no one could have anticipated and known.

It is all good.
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gonna be a short hunt for me (opener, sunday and Monday ) but hoping to get a shot , will down first legal bull . not leaving until Friday morning but I as well am already checked out in mind....
the usual... scout all week, find some bulls, plan a foolproof hunt, get screwed by other hunters
Can hardly wait is an understatement! I've been planning this MT Mule Deer hunt for over a year, already been packing and repacking two weeks early! Leave on my 600 mile drive 03:00 Friday morning. New adventures are great, enough to get an old guy excited.
Good luck everybody. I'm still on "hold" until November 28 when my New Mexico elk hunt commences :)
I've got my favorite t shirt ready. Its going to be a warm one. At least around here.
I got a 36 pack of natty light
Wow Ben really going all out eh? :p

This season has really snuck up on me but I'm super excited. Headed to our area on Friday morning to do some glassing and make a plan for the opener. Hoping to help my twin bro get his first elk this year. Looks like cool temps and maybe some snow, sounds just about perfect. Good luck to all!
Can't be drunk all day if you don't start in the morning.

Just kidding.

Heading out Thursday to try and fill the pronghorn tag and maybe find an elk over the weekend.
Actually going to chase an elk this weekend - first time for me. Always had a bad taste in my mouth for elk hunting after riding along with the wardens in college, and seeing the utter ridiculousness that goes on. But I figure I should try everything once so here goes nothing. Only have the weekend since I have to travel next week for a poorly timed work trip so I suppose I'm not overly optimistic for this first weekend, but the weather isn't going to be terrible and hiking in cool country is good for the soul. Good luck to everyone headed out!
I plan on shooting two pronghorn Thursday.

Saturday Morning around 3:00 am I will be hiking to the hunting grounds. I have two elk tags, and thus, will shoot two elk.

Sunday, sore and tired from shooting and packing out 4 animals in the last 4 days, I will take a short but strategic hike and shoot a large mule deer.

Monday, I'm going to drink beer and cut animals up all day. My wife will be happy that I have filled my tags so early, and thus will be nice to me all of November, a welcome change from years passed.

Best of luck to all.
Heading out Thursday morning. This will be my first trip so I'm pretty jacked up about it. Today is my last day of work this week. I got my clothes and food packed for the trip today. Hopefully get a run in the morning and then a little bit more range time tomorrow afternoon. I believe everyone in the group has a cow tag so no one will have to worry about counting points.
I plan on shooting two pronghorn Thursday.

Saturday Morning around 3:00 am I will be hiking to the hunting grounds. I have two elk tags, and thus, will shoot two elk.

Sunday, sore and tired from shooting and packing out 4 animals in the last 4 days, I will take a short but strategic hike and shoot a large mule deer.

Monday, I'm going to drink beer and cut animals up all day. My wife will be happy that I have filled my tags so early, and thus will be nice to me all of November, a welcome change from years passed.

Best of luck to all.

A man with a plan. We expect pics on Tuesday after you finish your butchering.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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