Time for a new state! part 2


New member
Aug 14, 2017
If something can be taken more than one way, I usually take it the wrong way, so when I read the title of the other thread, I assumed the OP wanted to create a new state. But No.

So, since he wrote his question wrong, I figured it would be fun to dream a little on a Friday, so here goes.

Name: Elkarado
State animal: elk, of course
Location; somewhere in the western US

Laws: (We may as well make it perfect while we are at it.)
-Everyone has a Hunter Education card
-Everyone respects the animal, the land, and other people (hunters and non-hunters alike)

What would YOUR perfect state look like?

Help me out here.
Enough tags/elk for everyone to get a tag that wants one, but also low enough hunter density for no one to feel crowded. That would be great!
Haha my bad my bad. It did cross my mind. I thought everyone would expect me to be wanting to move to a different state and wanted to know which state would be better lol