PEAX Equipment

Timberline and Gertrude lakes


New member
May 23, 2016
Hardin, MT
Does anyone know if a guy can get into the alpine lakes over by Red Lodge yet. I was in there the week of Father's Day last year, but had a hunch that the snow they got that week this year probably meant it would be a no go.
Just in case anyone is interested, the trail up to Gertrude and Timberline is open as of last Sunday. Going up tomorrow to see if the Brookies are hungry.
Just in case anyone is interested, the trail up to Gertrude and Timberline is open as of last Sunday. Going up tomorrow to see if the Brookies are hungry.

I would appreciate knowing what things look like. Take all the Brookies you can handle out of there.
I went up to Sylvan Lake on July 2. No ice on the water. Tried to entice a golden, but could only get looks and no takes. My buddy went up to Phantom on July 1 & Timberline on July 4, also no ice. The pic on the right is Timberline. Have a good time! BTW, If you are going to be fishing, don't forget your license. A couple game wardens were up doing some fishing & license checking. The only times I've ever been checked for my fishing/hunting license has been in the backcountry of the Beartooths.


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I didn't get up their today because my ever-lovin had a few concerns about our son's reaction to some unknown, so she wanted me around in case things went really down hill. He had a very bad rash that made me think he got into some poison ivy, but the only possible source for that was contact with the cousins dog last week in Colorado. The spots were moving into his mouth when the prednisone kicked in, but after the two doses prescribed were gone it came back with a vengeance. Needless to say she wanted some moral support in the event that his throat should start to swell shut. He has more prednisone now, so I am going to try again tomorrow.

I was checked by a very young looking warden up there last August, so I know to have all prop re documentation. I finally picked up my ais permit/tag/whatever they call it today. Good thing I hang out on HT, because I would not have been aware that the requirement had been added. You woul think that if one bought a license online they would have sent a notification via email about it.
I made it up on Saturday. The parking lot was full by the time I got over there so I kept my pup on the leash. The trail was in great shape, but it does look as if it has been open for more than a week like the Ranger Station told me. I started with a gold ribbed hare's ear with a brass bead, but they wouldn't even look at it. Then I switched to an olive colored bead head nymph and I caught two with that. I finally went to a mosquito pattern and it was like flipping the switch. I landed about 3 fish in 20 minutes, and then I just couldn't hook them anymore. Every strike was a miss. Then I notice that the hook had broken at the bend. It was a good day. Had a little bit of distant thunder and about 20 minutes of rain, but it was awesome. One of these days I am going to do an overnighter up there.
Been many years since I've been up there - remind me - is it about a 2 hr hike from trailhead to timberline???
It is if you are in good shape. It is 4 miles to Gertrude and 1/2 more to Timberline. I didn't have any way of timing my hike because I forgot the phone in the Jeep, but I'mguessing I took about 2.5 to get in this time. Last summer after shingling houses all summer I did it in about an hour and forty minutes.
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