Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Tight Lines in Big Sky Country

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
I haven't posted anything for a while. It's not that I haven't been out doing anything. It's that I've been out doing plenty and haven't stopped long enough to post anything. It had however been a while since I had done any river fishing. So I grabbed my jigging rod and ran down to the Missouri River to see if I could jig up a fish or two. While the fishing wasn't fast and furious it was a fun to catch a few in a couple hours. Beat the heck out of being skunked, or stuck at this desk where I'm typing this from.

This little bugger tensed up like he was going to try and flip out of my hand right as the photo was taken. You can see my focus is on the fish and not the camera. I know it's not in real great focus, but the picture makes me smile. He did try to get away but I was ready for him.

This was the largest landed of the morning. I had one on that decided it didn't want to be an internet star and came off right at the bank. It was a little bigger than this fish, but not a whole lot bigger. Still, it would have been nice if he wouldn't have spit the hook.

This was the last one of the morning. You can tell it's a planter by the clipped dorsal fin. It is a pretty good mixture of planted and wild fish in the river. One never knows what will turn up with each cast.

The next weekend I decided I wanted a little more solitude and I headed into the mountains to get away from the crowds. I knew the fish wouldn't be as big, but the beauty and solitude more than make up for it. I was on a solo trip so picture taking is a little more tricky. This first photo is of a beautiful pool that produced a couple nice little cutty's. It shouldn't be a mystery to anyone why I love lonely places like this.

Like I said they aren't big but they sure are pretty.

This was the largest of the day and the last one of the day. It was getting towards the end of the day and I had a ways to get back to my 4runner and over an hour drive to get back home. So I figured it was a great fish to end the day on. It was a fun trip with a number of fish landed and a few missed as well. I have to say I often wonder when I'm in places like this..."I hope Heaven is as nice as this"...

Hope y'all enjoyed the pics and sharing in my little adventures.
Boy you sure have the handle on them trout.
Any fishing is better then work.
You been missing out on some great coyote calling, at least once a week I've been out popping them. This time of year is fun...
Coyotes-R-Us I've been keeping tabs on the coyotes. I'm loving this cooler weather and hoping the friggen rattle snakes will go underground soon. Once I'm convinced they are gone Mr. Coyote will be in a lot of trouble.
When you start a thread I know I'll be jealous if I look, but I can't help it. Congrats and thanks for sharing the photos ...... I need help remembering what a trout looks like.
I appreciate all the positive feedback/comments. Thank you! Like many of you I just wish I had more time to spend out doors. When I do get to though, I try to make it count!
Awesome stuff here thanks Big Sky! Your YouTube vids inspired my 13 yo son and me to come out trout chasing. We’re leaving Michigan on friday night and arriving in Livingston on Saturday afternoon/evening. Tenting it for a week. After a day on the Yellowstone we’re hitting the Red Lodge area for high country trout. We’ll be sure to post here how it goes keep up the inspiring photos!!!
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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