Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Tick proof clothing


Dec 31, 2013
South Dakota
Tried a little experiment last year in hopes to not get any tick bites this year. Been thinking about doing a long distance hike and spring turkey & mushroom hunting and am getting more and more concerned about tick bites and illness. I did a little research and settled on Permethrin treatment for clothing. There are some companies that sell pre-treated clothing and some that will treat your clothes but decided to do it myself based on a little more research. Chose a soaking system after reading a bunch a a few youtube videos. I am happy to report that so far this spring not single tick has hitched a ride let alone bitten me. a couple friends I took out just did the Deet spray and both cam home with a few ticks, no bites.

I found information from the sectionhiker.com site and gave it a try (https://sectionhiker.com/permethrin-soak-method-guide/)

Also I see the story listed below about a CDC study. Some more of you may wish to consider it. So far I'm still alive and not growing any additional appendages or eyeballs. Found some mushrooms in my usual spot but no turkey.

I've noticed I have a significantly less ticks on me when I wear rubber boots as opposed to hiking boots. I always wear a base layer below my pants to help too. It was 85 degrees and still wore them. Tons lyme disease around here
since it came out, i've been using the Sawyer permethrin spray and treating my clothing and gear. it works well, never had an issue since using the product. the only clothing i don't treat is my socks and boxers, but other than that it gets treated.
I get most of my shrooms and turkeys from Walmart.
Typically I wear either denim or shorts with a cotton tee or brush popper. Sneakers work well for stealth. Zero tick bites so far, crossing my fingers....
I know this post did not help, I just could not resist.

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