Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

This is it for me, guys, I might be done with shooting things.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2019
Amongst my pack of mongrels (there are 4), there is a rescue. He has some much potential, but being 3 when I adopted him we were not able to reach it.

Ive broken him of chasing deer, but he has never been broken of chasing critters. He really freaks out when he sees rabbits. I dont like it because it is, a) really annoying, and 3. I dont want the other dogs to learn they should freak out at rabbits, too (not that they have ever show any inclination to do so when he is doing so, the <1 yr old puppy included).

Fed up today, with him freaking out at the front windos at a bunny in front of the house, I stepped out the front door, picked up a rock, then sent it flying. Right into the bunny's head, killing it almost instantly, at 20+, maybe 25 yards.

Guys, this is it for me. Real caveman stuff. How can I go back to not-caveman now?

Bunny will get eaten. Not by me - Ive always been told not to eat them until there has been a first frost and then not once the ground is thawed - but instead as a good meal (after a good freeze to be sure parasites are dead) for a bird.
Amongst my pack of mongrels (there are 4), there is a rescue. He has some much potential, but being 3 when I adopted him we were not able to reach it.

Ive broken him of chasing deer, but he has never been broken of chasing critters. He really freaks out when he sees rabbits. I dont like it because it is, a) really annoying, and 3. I dont want the other dogs to learn they should freak out at rabbits, too (not that they have ever show any inclination to do so when he is doing so, the <1 yr old puppy included).

Fed up today, with him freaking out at the front windos at a bunny in front of the house, I stepped out the front door, picked up a rock, then sent it flying. Right into the bunny's head, killing it almost instantly, at 20+, maybe 25 yards.

Guys, this is it for me. Real caveman stuff. How can I go back to not-caveman now?

Bunny will get eaten. Not by me - Ive always been told not to eat them until there has been a first frost and then not once the ground is thawed - but instead as a good meal (after a good freeze to be sure parasites are dead) for a bird.
Do you want to revisit spear hunting big game that the Montana legislators floated a few years back?
I had a similar experience in Maine a week ago. We did to go pickup and the lobster dinner was a whole lobster. Had to go caveman and crack it open with my hands.
Sandwiches are far less interesting now.
Not to be rude but what did you expect from throwing the rock?


Rock hits in general vicinity. Rabbit bolts off. Idiot dog calms down. Feeling of relief.


Rock hits in general area. Rabbit hunkers down. I walk out to scare it off. Idiot dog freaks out more because now I’m chasing and he isn’t. I step on prickly weeds in my bare feet. Feeling of anger, both at situation and at my own anger.


Dead rabbit. Feeling of elation similar to what Julius Caesar must have felt during a Triumph celebrating victory.
I say try filling that Montana B deer tag with a rock as well. Cavemen need goals too.

Talked to a guy from Minnesota at Hell Creek bar in Jordan, Montana a few years ago. He replayed the way he had to finish off a mule deer doe with a rock that day because he ran out of bullets. I thought that was interesting. Kind of…
Years ago as a preteen I was working on my bike in the front yard if the house and my old dog had jumped a rabbit and they both had traversed the yard a couple of times. Finally my dog chased the rabbit very near to myself and my brother who had come out of the house to see what the dog was after.

I grabbed up my trusted Channel lok pliers and threw them at the closely darting rabbit hitting him in the sweet spot on the side of his head killing him instantly.

The next day on the bus my brother told everyone what I had done and I became a superstar amongst those simple country boys that day.
Years ago as a preteen I was working on my bike in the front yard if the house and my old dog had jumped a rabbit and they both had traversed the yard a couple of times. Finally my dog chased the rabbit very near to myself and my brother who had come out of the house to see what the dog was after.

I grabbed up my trusted Channel lok pliers and threw them at the closely darting rabbit hitting him in the sweet spot on the side of his head killing him instantly.

The next day on the bus my brother told everyone what I had done and I became a superstar amongst those simple country boys that day.
Come sit with me by this fire I have just discovered, fellow caveman.
No grip n' grin?

Literally 5 minutes ago while reading this thread I was interrupted by some awful yelping as a mule deer doe chased our pup all the way around our fence and cornered him by the gate, he must've been sniffing around too close to her fawn, I thought she was going to stomp him to death. She's really mean, she chased a coyote right past me on Saturday afternoon. The only weapon I could find as I ran out to save the dog was a deck chair, but I didn't throw it. I was logically afraid after reading about the exploits of @BirdManMike that I might make a once-in-a-lifetime throw and skewer her through the eye with the chair leg or something... :ROFLMAO:

*update, upon examination the dog has dusty hoof prints on his rear end and he hasn't been farther than about 6' from me since the incident. I think she blindsided him and got some good shots in before he knew what was happening
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What's wrong with Montana rabbits that you can't eat them before the first frost comes and then defrosts? Shouldn't have anything to do with the meat.
What's wrong with Montana rabbits that you can't eat them before the first frost comes and then defrosts? Shouldn't have anything to do with the meat.
Parasites, or something. When I was young, some elderly told me this and it stuck. I have done literally no research to either prove or disprove - and I dont intend to even now - but have been living by said elderly's advice all this time. One day, I too will be elderly (getting close) and hope to pass this same wisdom down to some impressionable youngster.

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