They're almost to South Dakota

If he hadn't been shot in the act I wonder if the kill would have been confirmed or if it would have been another possible wolf kill.
Already here?

I have heard several reports of people spotting wolves in Custer State Park but the Game and Fish will not confirm this. I cannot verify this myself but it would not surprise me if there were wolves in the park, lots of elk to chew on! ha
That one wolf really took the long way if he went 3000 miles to get from Bozeman to Vail in the story.Glad the rancher shot him in the act.I'm not a big fan of the wolf reintro
WyOpitz, there used to be alot of elk in the park. Last number released was under 200. I hunted cow elk in the park in 2006, the GFP told us there was 900-1000 in the park at that time.
I believe someone shot a wolf in the very NE corner of SD couple years ago, that one came from Minnesota.
Also was one shot near Wesssington couple years ago, that one got swept under the rug, because there are NO wolves in SD! Except this one was collared.
WyOpitz, there used to be alot of elk in the park. Last number released was under 200. I hunted cow elk in the park in 2006, the GFP told us there was 900-1000 in the park at that time.

warmer, are you suggesting wolves are the reason for the drop in elk number in Custer State Park or are you just tossing out non sequiturs?
NO, wolves are not, mt. lions however are a huge problem. What i meant was the wolves will starve in the park!
There was a recent case in Oregon of a radio-outfitted wolf in N.E. Oregon that decided to make a big trip to Klamath Falls (S. W. Oregon), and made the trip in just a few days. Hopefully he kept going so California can join the club. Hmmm, that might not be a bad thing.
NO, wolves are not, mt. lions however are a huge problem. What i meant was the wolves will starve in the park!

Almost sounds like a different thread. From your post it didn't make that obvious.:D

Did you find your elk in '06?
Pretty sure that is the same wolf i could have laid the hammer down on about 10 days earlier. I was about 35 miles west of where that one was shot. I had a black wolf with a radio collar at 150 yards standing looking at me broadside. Only problem was no tag in my pocket. MT FG sure cant be serious about controlling them if they want to charge 350 for a nr tag. 100-150 i would go for but 350 is ridiculous.
There was a verified wolf road-killed on I90 near Sturgis a few years ago.

Nothing wrong with another critter to hunt.
There was a verified wolf road-killed on I90 near Sturgis a few years ago.

Nothing wrong with another critter to hunt.

If the wolves can live off mt. lions and coyotes, without killing a single deer or elk, I say bring 'em on! If we can't guarantee that, I say leave 'em in MT, WY and ID!

It's obvious to most that the wolves aren't going to go away or disappear at this point. It's obvious to most they have been expanding their numbers and range.

What has been an occasional sighting in SD, UT, CO, etc will be more common I think.

The only viable management tool I see is to hunt them.

I'd be interested to hear your opinion so I can become less idiot-like.

T Bone
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When the wolves move in, the coyotes are reduced big time. In the plains region I don't think the wolves will ever be a problem. You can find them easier. Now over in the Western part of the state it's a different situation. We have lions, bears, and coyotes in large numbers. Just too many. You don't have, nor will you have, a problem with wolf numbers over there.

It's obvious to most that the wolves aren't going to go away or disappear at this point. It's obvious to most they have been expanding their numbers and range.

What has been an occasional sighting in SD, UT, CO, etc will be more common I think.

The only viable management tool I see is to hunt them.

I'd be interested to hear your opinion so I can become less idiot-like.

T Bone

Funny how your tone changed when I called you on it. First you were welcoming them with open arms; now you're lamenting their eventual saturation.

Bottom line is, wolves have a huge impact wherever they land. The are not just "another critter to hunt" and anyone who thinks so is, in fact, an idiot.
Funny how your tone changed when I called you on it. First you were welcoming them with open arms; now you're lamenting their eventual saturation.

I need to work on my reading comprehension. I didn't get that at all.:confused:

I think you may have had an extra helping of Wheaties this morning.

I think we're in the same boat reguarding wolves.

I've never opened them with open arms in my native state of Idaho or anywhere else in the west. The situation was forced on the states.

My point is that the only and best thing to do is hunt them.

Best of luck tagging yours.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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