The Search is Over

I always thought that this thing must have been stashed somewhere where in which hunting is not permitted (e.g., a national park) Otherwise, with all the hunters roaming the forests during the fall months, someone would have been bound to stumble across it after all these years.
well hell.

There is still The Lost Dutchman's Gold I can look for ----IF ----LV2HNT and/or Dirtclod, does not find it first
that guy that parachuted out of a commercial plane over washington. did they ever find him or his body and the money ?

can you imagine that guy when he found the chest in New Mexico. If he didn't drive there he probably rented a car to drive back home ( they said he was from back east.)
I wish they have given some clue to where it was found. From reading the poem years ago, I always thought it was in or close to the Rio Grande gorge by Taos.

edit: I always thought a fly fisherman or a sheep hunter in the gorge would stumble on it.
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I have been watching Forrest Fenn's links for the last few years, wondering when/ where it would finally be found. I haven't seen where it said it was in New Mexico, just the Rockies.. Did I miss something that was posted by chance?
There was a Longmire episode on something similar. I didn't realize it was a real thing.
I don't think I saw this posted yet, so bumping up this thread. Too bad about the lawsuits and other nuts that I am sure will harass him.

The finder will also make a good sum of money in the future. Netflix special? Book? Made for TV movie?

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