The hunt is on!


Jan 21, 2001
Wyoming MI, USA
Oh boy I have no life! I've taken up varmint hunting/trapping. Leave it to me to make catching mice a sport. I've got my assortment of 10 victor mice traps and 2 glue boards ready to be put into action in my garage. If I have any luck I'll dress in my cammies and pose for 'lucky hunter pics'! Am I the only one who gets hyped up the night before trapping mice?
Also, just remember that the Hanta virus can kill you!!!!:D Who said mice couldn't be dangerous game!!!;)

So far I have trapped one mouse and 5 shrews I believe. Going back to check the traps again soon and I will keep you all updated about the all so exciting trapping session (This is what happens when you have too much free time).

PS- I have been saving the bodies for a pic.
In Wash. state, just a few years ago, the antis tried to get this type of baiting to be illeagle. They almost succeeded. I wonder how they would ever have caught and prosecuted some one that was baiting in the confines of their own residence...LOL.. :D
A successful hunt was had! I ended up with more shrews and only one mouse, but I guess that's why they call it hunting :rolleyes:

I cought more but over time they kinda got tossed out by my mom... Something about saving rodent bodies being gross. Typical woman


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-18-2002 10:28: Message edited by: DGF ]</font>
I don't see any pic, but I can just immagine the immense size of this thing, did you bone it out to get it moved or were you able to quarter it to be able to pick up the pieces??? :D
OK, I think I got it working...

Packing it out wasn't really as hard as I thought it would be. One good firm kick seemed to do the trick from one end of the garage to the next. That may be where experience comes into play.
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