The Freezer Elk

Thanks again guys. I enjoy antlers as much as anybody but the reason I hunt is to eat like a king and to me it doesn't get much better than elk in one form or the other.

So did you pack out the freezer and fix it up since your elk seemed so fond of it? Congrats on some great eating, that should go well with the salmon you've been catching.

I think it will go back to the earth right where it sits. Somebody must have rolled it off the top back when the road was open and it landed on it's feet. It was full of clean cold water and made a heck of a wash basin for cleaning my hands. :D
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Nice Job. Now the real trick is to get the elk to expire right next to YOUR freezer.
great story once in a lifetime, now you can show the family when you go hunting your elk hunting freezer
Awesome story and congrats on filling your freezer. The freezer where she fell has to be the craziest and coolest story I have heard.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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