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As a still strong hiker and hunter merely months away from the dreaded eight-decade chronological milestone and still trying to decipher and understand the reasoning and rhetoric of many of the know-it-all whipper-snappers on this forum .... I wish I could still be around to watch them sitting in their rocking chairs in their sixties or seventies sipping their geriatric smoothies, lamenting with lies about how they almost got to shoot a big bool in the Wyoming wilderness with the Buzz.
Be a little more respectful of elders, especially those who have been voted by the people, for the people into high office, regardless of party or other affiliation.
With regard to aging and the accompanying challenges ... if you are lucky, you too will get the experience(s). So maybe get off the high horse ... before you fall!
No doubt you believed this when Trump was in office too, right?
View attachment 318373

I stopped watching Presidents after this speech. Mission Accomplished except we fought for another 20 years.
As a still strong hiker and hunter merely months away from the dreaded eight-decade chronological milestone and still trying to decipher and understand the reasoning and rhetoric of many of the know-it-all whipper-snappers on this forum .... I wish I could still be around to watch them sitting in their rocking chairs in their sixties or seventies sipping their geriatric smoothies, lamenting with lies about how they almost got to shoot a big bool in the Wyoming wilderness with the Buzz.
Be a little more respectful of elders, especially those who have been voted by the people, for the people into high office, regardless of party or other affiliation.
With regard to aging and the accompanying challenges ... if you are lucky, you too will get the experience(s). So maybe get off the high horse ... before you fall!
What a load of horse shit. Old people who have driven this country into the ground deserve all the criticism they’ve gotten and more.
You may be glib ... but answer is YES. BTW, one may be adamantly opposed to idealogy and decisions of elected officials without being snarky and disrespectful.

Respectfully, age/mental competency is a legitimate criticism/concern with someone who (supposedly) has access to nuclear weapons and is the leader of the free world (or at least the face of it). Saying a person has dementia, when there are numerous instances that could *potentially* validate this assumption is not the same as saying someone has dementia just because they are “old.”

IIRC that was one of Ron Paul’s biggest criticisms in 2012 during the primary, his age. Political stance aside Biden couldn’t hold a candle to 2012 Ron Paul in public speaking.

Mental competency was also a concern of Trump IIRC, although not sure it was as much related to his age rather than his personality/IQ and “Tweets.”

Does Biden have dementia? I do not know, I’m not familiar with what goes into diagnosing that. But he sure does say A LOT of things that don’t make sense. It’s really embarrassing as a citizen of this country to say that is the best we could elect. I would say the same about Trump as well, he could put coherent sentences together though. He was embarrassing for other reasons.

Personally, if we have a minimum age for the office it only stands to reason that we should have a maximum. I would suggest whatever the age is for social security but I realize this will likely never happen. Can’t even agree to get rid of DST or how to run a balanced, or at least greatly reduced budget. The idea of term limits, age limits, insider trader limits etc. is just that, an idea. I think it only happens if a true Patriot sneaks it in on some huge thousand-page bill that has majority support and isn’t read in full by those voting and then calls it out after it’s enacted. Still, just wishful thinking.
especially those who have been voted by the people, for the people into high office, regardless of party or other affiliation.

I don't personally know anyone who voted for Biden or Trump in the primaries. (IRL obviously probably some folks on the board.)

Which I think is kinda what everyone is expressing collectively. Trump and Biden have the lowest and second lowest approval ratings of any president since we started tracking these things. Would imagine a bunch of people are wondering who voted for either of these guys.
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