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I hope to vote for a perfect candidate in the future that I agree with on everything. That's probably not going to happen unless I run for office.

If you want the politician to be making any of the decisions, it's pretty obvious that someone with obvious dementia shouldn't be your choice. On the other hand, if you are ok with his handlers deciding the policies, I guess that's your choice.
I'm sure president or not they'd still let him have ice cream.
Powerful insight that is not focused on enough. If you are a man, the older you get the more you love ice cream. Folks of all political persuasions can embrace this fundamental truth.
As a still strong hiker and hunter merely months away from the dreaded eight-decade chronological milestone and still trying to decipher and understand the reasoning and rhetoric of many of the know-it-all whipper-snappers on this forum .... I wish I could still be around to watch them sitting in their rocking chairs in their sixties or seventies sipping their geriatric smoothies, lamenting with lies about how they almost got to shoot a big bool in the Wyoming wilderness with the Buzz.
Be a little more respectful of elders, especially those who have been voted by the people, for the people into high office, regardless of party or other affiliation.
With regard to aging and the accompanying challenges ... if you are lucky, you too will get the experience(s). So maybe get off the high horse ... before you fall!
I do not often indulge my fondness for ice cream, it conflicts with other goals. I like a good vanilla ice cream, with sufficient chocolate syrup to balance everything out.

I seem to remember that our previous president enjoys ice cream. Comparing their waistlines, I think the former guy holds his own in over indulgence.
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