Yeti GOBOX Collection

The Donalds Unite (Trump and Peay)

So it's great that Trump is anti-transfer, but where is he on the actual management of public lands?

Cut funding for clean water & air:

Trump on energy (more fracking ,less oversight):

Trump on climate change & renewable energy (which is the fastest growing sector of the energy industry in the US):

So, beyond the dog whistle of "Public land is great, I won't get rid of it," look to how he would actually manage it. I don't think that he's our friend. He's just better at lying to us than the others.

Doesn't matter anyway, according to some genius named "Gore" its going to be waterworld in a couple of months.
Ok John. You vote for him, but be ready to kick his ass when it goes south. ;)

What difference does it make, Ben? You have made it perfectly clear that you are just another left-winger anyway. Hillary should be in prison and you apparently are still going to support her. You may as well give up your guns so that you can skip around planting flowers on public land if Hilly gets elected.

I will support Trump, as he is the only one that says what he believes. Go Donny!
What difference does it make, Ben? You have made it perfectly clear that you are just another left-winger anyway. Hillary should be in prison and you apparently are still going to support her. You may as well give up your guns so that you can skip around planting flowers on public land if Hilly gets elected.

I will support Trump, as he is the only one that says what he believes. Go Donny!

Is this you?

When Teddy Roosevelt comes back from the dead, I'll happily vote for him all day long. Pretty sure that ain't gonna happen, so I'll keep my streak alive of never supporting a Republican for President, or any other elective office for that matter. I'm damn proud of that too.
What difference does it make, Ben? You have made it perfectly clear that you are just another left-winger anyway. Hillary should be in prison and you apparently are still going to support her. You may as well give up your guns so that you can skip around planting flowers on public land if Hilly gets elected.

I will support Trump, as he is the only one that says what he believes. Go Donny!

In prison?, and just what makes you so smart to know that, and why hasn't anyone else in the world figured it out and put her in the slammer? You got some information they don't? You sound like an angry far right wing Obama-Hillary hater ranting like far right wingers love to do?
In prison?, and just what makes you so smart to know that, and why hasn't anyone else in the world figured it out and put her in the slammer? You got some information they don't? You sound like an angry far right wing Obama-Hillary hater ranting like far right wingers love to do?

A note to all who want to drag these political discussions into the morass. They have a lot of value if we can do them in some form of sensible discussion. If we can't, then I'll just lock them.

Those who ant to drag it into the morass, go read some of the old political posts that get locked here. It is comments like those I have bolded that get these posts locked, whether it is made by a person on the left or a person on the right.

If you can't have a policy discussion without labeling people and tagging them in some group you disagree with, then you might want to take it elsewhere. I don't care if you want to talk about Obama-haters, Hillary-haters, Cruz-haters, Trump-haters or what. Just don't go around hanging tags on people you don't know just because you disagree with them.

Now, back on track to the original topic.
In prison?, and just what makes you so smart to know that, and why hasn't anyone else in the world figured it out and put her in the slammer? You got some information they don't? You sound like an angry far right wing Obama-Hillary hater ranting like far right wingers love to do?

Air gapping SCI data isn't a small thing for those is certain circles. FWIW, the FBI is still investigating.