Yeti GOBOX Collection

The 2nd Amendment, Gun Control, and Mass Murder

to answer Greenhorn's original questions, no, no no.

the "kontradictions " article was really one of the best writings that I have ever seen on the topic. It is going out to many of my friends and relatives this morning to read at my urgent request.

hope everybody that is following this thread takes the time to read it thru.
Here's another story you probably won't hear about on the mainstream news.

My brother told me about this today. He said the original headline read "trigger happy mom shoots intruder five times".

If this happened to anyone, especially a woman protecting her young children, I sure hope they're trigger happy.

How many frickin strikes does this guy get and still be considered a victim.

That's some pretty pathetic reporting, and yes I know they've changed the headline now that people complained.
I can't believe the stupid friggin media would put that as a headline when she's protecting herself and her kids from a thug like that!!! Too bad she didn't blow his fuggin head off!!!
The liberal bias against self defense firearms use by the media is appalling. John Lott did a study on it and found the media in general tend to report negatively or not at all when a gun is used in a self defense situation. Unforunately objectivity in journalism rarely happens. I believe most journalists are hired to support the ideology of their employers and that they are a product of the liberal education they have received.
Today's media personalities wouldn't know a journalist if he bit 'em on the ass! I haven't seen any actual quality news reporting in the last 15 years, and the fact that the MSM fails to offer both sides of an argument without trying to shout down the opposing view is directly opposed to what is taught in Journalism Ethics courses. I always watch the ABC morning news from Savannah, so I can get my local news and weather, I read the Charleston Post and Courier for the SC state news, then I read Fox news reports on the internet in order to see and hear the opposition. Fox is the only news company I've seen that actually allows the opposition to speak with out shutting them down, unlike ABC and the few NBC or CNN clips I've seen. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I have a degree in Journalism due to the biased and unfair sensationalism that is substituted for factual news reports these days. Most "reports" are better suited for the editorial pages rather than posted as news!
Fox is the only news company I've seen that actually allows the opposition to speak with out shutting them down.

Not true, flagship star O'Reilly is an overbearing self aggrandizing blowhard. Fox is a right leaning network claiming to be unbiased... but they are not as far right as their counterpart media is looney left....unabashed liberal lapdogs.
I think there are some bright folks that post on this site, & it would be interesting to see some of the opinions and comments, without the ridiculing and name-calling.

What do you think? Should there be a “ban” on legal purchase of an AR15 bushmaster style rifle with high-capacity magazines? Who should be able to define what kind of weapon a civilian should have the right to own? Does the government need to more strictly control/inventory the “arms” civilians bear?

I’m in the No, Nobody, and Hell No camp for all “small arms” type weapons.

A subject very near and dear to my heart. So here goes:

Should there be a “ban” on legal purchase of an AR15 bushmaster style rifle with high-capacity magazines?

NO! Unequivocably no! The RKBA is not about shooting deer, ducks or rabbits.The RKBA is about defending our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In order for us, the citizen army or militia to be an effective combat fighting force we have to possess like firearms to those we will face in combat and that mea ns AR15s and 30 round magazines.

Who should be able to define what kind of weapon a civilian should have the right to own?

No one, the US Constitution is clear "shall not be infringed."

[Does the government need to more strictly control/inventory the “arms” civilians bear?

NO! Registration is historically the first step towards confiscation and or unfair taxation.
I'm too lazy to look it up, but if I recall correctly, more than twice as many people are killed with knives and blunt instruments each year than are killed with all long guns. Seems very reactionary to want to ban one particular type of long gun when knives and blunt instruments are responsible for more deaths.
I'm too lazy to look it up, but if I recall correctly, more than twice as many people are killed with knives and blunt instruments each year than are killed with all long guns. Seems very reactionary to want to ban one particular type of long gun when knives and blunt instruments are responsible for more deaths.

I believe it's less than 400 murders a year are committed with a long gun or semi automatic rifle out of the 11,000 plus murders. 74% of the 11k murders are gang related.
i do not own a AR 15,i do not want to own a AR15,but i do believe a person should own any gun,tank,airplain,battleship,aircraft carrier,he or she can afford.
that being said,my B A R is one of my guns i would neaver sell.
not for any amount of money.
and since i own the BAR,why would i need a AR 15?
since in my oppinion,my BAR is a better made rifle.:cool:
If you are concerned about gun rights, this is a far more dangerous path to choose. I'm sure a significant number of people here wouldn't qualify in a lot of people's minds because someone with similar "problems" killed someone in the past. It is also going to keep more "nuts" on the street. Would you seek help if it meant the government was going to take away your guns? One in four Americans have some sort of mental disorder. I expect this is much more than have 100 round clips.

Regarding the "right," I'm sorry but just because a weapon (or accessory) is out there doesn't mean you have the right to own it. A line has to be drawn somewhere between nukes and muzzleloaders and limiting the amount of damage that can be done by the inevitable idiot by limiting clips to 10 rounds is reasonable. If you want to go down like Scarface then simply get a bleeping permit for a fully automatic. ;)


if you limit the military to 10 round mags,and you limit the police to 10 round mags,then ok,otherwise,no way,we as citizens of this country should not be forced to do nothing that our elected officals,or our millitary,wont do,and yes that does include our police as well.
if i dont need it,then my police department,or the soldier who protects our country,dont need it.
hopefully you all got my point.:cool: