Thanksgiving swan


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Shot a few mallards a couple days ago, but one hit the ice on the other side of the river and made it to the cattails and GuNR wasn't able to get up on the ice. We loaded up our stuff and make the drive to the other side of the river.

I thought we might kick up a pheasant or two, so I put on my upland vest and grabbed the O/U 20 with #4's steel.

As we were getting closer to where I thought the mallard made his escape I watched three swans getting closer. With the high winds, it looked like their course might bring them right over. I jumped in the bulrush and sure enough, they came right overhead, and close enough for my little 20 to bring down a mature tundra.

I was pretty pumped and sent GuNR after him. I am embarrassed to say the swan put up a good fight and my pup gave up. Now I have to run this bird down with my dog following me (hopefully no one saw this). I put another one in the bird and now GuNR was ready to retrieve the bird without his two big weapons.

Spent another 20 minutes trying to get through the mess of cattails, but we weren't able to find the crippled mallard. We tried and I got plenty wet, but no luck.

Not the way I drew it up, but now we have a Thanksgiving bird for the oven.

OK, I can't lie. Prime rib will be going into the oven in a few hours.:D

Impressive that he would even try to take on a full grown bird. You may have missed out on the $10,000 grand prize on Americas Funniest Home Videos by going out with a videographer.
Ha ha, I would have paid to see all that. Congrats on a bird I will never kill!
Cool! Swans are the neatest birds. I had a fairly small Black Lab years ago. The first goose I sent her after stood up and flapped both wings at her. She was only 10 months old, and I had done all of the training with her. She was a couple of hundred yards out in a big dirt field, the goose had sailed out quite a ways, and all I could do was watch. She got close and stopped and looked at him for a few seconds, and then she came back towards me a ways. I thought she had given up. But she turned around and full bore steamrolled that gander! Dust flew as she ran right over him with her chest! That was how she handled every goose after that, and they never argued! I miss her so much she's been gone a long time now. Your dog did good retrieving that big bird especially after he had been spooked. I think that bodes well for you with him! Congrats!
and a goose (story)

Awesome story and photo! Questions : how close did they get, and what kind of #4's Black Cloud? Heavy? What were those????...or was it lead in for pheasant? Or, special re-load? Excellent shooting man!
Love it. Congrats. Those are gorgeous creatures.
SO not to hi jack but funny story too. I thought I was one upped me, but I surely had a top 5 of all time for me.
Morning goose hunt = 5 birds. Amazing Thanksgiving. Best part. Funny story. My son carries his 20 ga 870 youth along on our duck/goose hunts - he loves waterfowlin'.
We end up shooting 2 on one volley => one dropped dead, the other was hurt bad and going down, heading out to cut corn, hundreds of yards away.
My son and dear friend took off to chase down the wounded goose.
Meanwhile I was drinking coffee happy to have 3 geese when another small group planned its pass over - sweet. I grabbed for the gun. WRONG GUN! Crap!
No time to change. I had to really get down on this thing felt like a red ryder. WHOP. WHAT - top 5 shot of all time. Big goose with a small gun.
870 20 gauge pump youth model (I am 6'3 :)
Son returns with goose #4 and a great chase story to top it off. Blood on his face - war paint, the whole bit. It was WWF and great retrieve - wish I was watching,
I ran down this bird (pictured) with the gun that brought it down and my boy who is loving life. Enjoy the holidays everyone.


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Awesome story and photo! Questions : how close did they get, and what kind of #4's Black Cloud? Heavy? What were those????...

#4 Black Cloud. Though I was hoping to jump a rooster, I didn't want to be searching for a duck with any lead in my vest.

Some folks hate BC, but I have had great luck.

congrats on your good day.....
Several years ago I had an opportunity to hunt the outer banks area of North Carolina
with a friend of my father in laws,but like a dumb- s@#t:rolleyes: I blew it off..

He even told me there was a good chance I could have gotten a swan...

Hind sight is ALWAYS 20/20.....
That look in GunR's eye is a WTF look if I've ever seen one. The visual of that whole scenario made me laugh.
He does have that 'hurry up and take the damn picture' look.

Funny story.

No pose on this one. He got the bird and I fired off about 8 shots as he brought it to me. For once, I didn't make him pose. I wanted to get some more field shots after I dispatched it, but the wind made me want to get back to the vehicle and I never got around to it. Lesson learned, just take the time and get a good picture because I get too lazy after critters are headed home.
I`ve shot them with much heavier steel, but if they`re close enough or if you break a wing to bring them down, it doesn`t take much. However, I was still surprised with using #4`s.
Congratulations on a beautiful mature swan...and mallard.
Sweet! Is GunR getting the neck bone? :D

I like your idea of prime rib as well, but was shot down by the family...
Congrats! Thanks for sharing the story. They don't all work out as planned! :)