Thanks Idaho


New member
Dec 12, 2010
NW Oregon
It seems the governor of Idaho wants to give the governor of Oregon a gift.

Remember the roving wolf from N. E. Oregon that took a trip to sunny California a few months back? Well, it seems like California was not all it was cracked up to be, so the poor critter hot-footed it back to Oregon, but not being satisfied to sit in one place too long he decided to take a swim and wound up in Idaho. Some rifle-totin' resident of Idaho took exception to this wet-back hound and ended his roving for good. The governor of Idaho, wanting to avoid any border war with Oregon, felt it his duty to make a gesture of good will to his neighbor. So, the first thing he did was return the radio collar the wolf had been wearing. A piece or electronic equipment that belonged to the state of Oregon anyway didn't seem adequate. So, in a moment of great generosity the repentant governor of Idaho offered 150 of Idaho's wolves to the governor of the great state of Oregon. The governor of Oregon has not made a statement of acceptance or rejection of the offer. I don't know that Idaho could afford such a gesture. In a couple of years the state could be over-run with deer and elk. Hmmm.
It seems the governor of Idaho wants to give the governor of Oregon a gift.

Remember the roving wolf from N. E. Oregon that took a trip to sunny California a few months back? Well, it seems like California was not all it was cracked up to be, so the poor critter hot-footed it back to Oregon, but not being satisfied to sit in one place too long he decided to take a swim and wound up in Idaho. Some rifle-totin' resident of Idaho took exception to this wet-back hound and ended his roving for good. The governor of Idaho, wanting to avoid any border war with Oregon, felt it his duty to make a gesture of good will to his neighbor. So, the first thing he did was return the radio collar the wolf had been wearing. A piece or electronic equipment that belonged to the state of Oregon anyway didn't seem adequate. So, in a moment of great generosity the repentant governor of Idaho offered 150 of Idaho's wolves to the governor of the great state of Oregon. The governor of Oregon has not made a statement of acceptance or rejection of the offer. I don't know that Idaho could afford such a gesture. In a couple of years the state could be over-run with deer and elk. Hmmm.

I guess your off a little bit. The wolf OR7 still lives in California. His bro (OR9) left Oregon and got shot by a hunter who's licence had expired.

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