Thanks for your support OYOA - Semper Fi!


Nov 9, 2011
St Louis MO area

Chuck and his buddies at Camp Leatherneck Afghanistan are lovin the videos - he sent me these pics alongs with his sincere thanks from himself and his buddies. Thanks so much for your support.

Looks like they need 13 OYOA hats. Don't want them to get busted for being out of uniform, but if they would wear them, I will send them. Same deal applies as with the DVDs.

Please tell Chuck and his fellow Marines that we appreciate their service. Daily prayers for their safe return.
Great thing you guys are doing for us. Keep up the great work and know you are being supported from those of us back home. I was honored to donate a bunch of venison that was made into sticks for some of the Army who are also serving in Afghanistan. A friend of my brothers has a son is currently stationed there and we sent the group a nice "care" package. Also a big thanks to Scmidts Meat Market in Nicollet, MN for helping us put this all together for them.
Via Skype...(their web access is marginal at best - I had to cut and paste this thread to him via Skype)
[11:06:38 AM] Chuck Beach: tell him we would love the hats and im sure we could get a pic or two wearin the hats... tell them thanks for the support and Semper Fi from Cpl Beach and the 371 Heavy Equipment Platoon
[11:07:36 AM] Charlie Beach: you can't wear them there right?
[11:08:17 AM] Chuck Beach: not all the time but we could get picks and i could hand em out

Randy - sorry I was not able to connect with you at SHOT, kinda crazy 4 days for us. Will meet one day - and I am buyin...
Big Thanks to all the guys overseas and at home keeping us safe... and hats off to Randy for helping support them as well
Chuck asked me to post this...

[12:16:20 PM] Chuck Beach: theres a saying out there that says people can spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world, Marines dont have that problem.... well they put us in some of the roughest conditions we works hours on end for days and sometimes go days without sleep to get the mission accomplished... after a while it takes a toll on you. If it wasnt for the folks back home supporting us i doubt we would be as succesful as we are. it boosts moral when we here from friends and loved ones... to have people like Mr. Newberg that send videos and support the troops it makes a world of difference to us... it gives us something to look forward to when we return back to the states... i cant thank you all enough for all the support you give us... Semper Fi Cpl Beach
Semper Fi Jarheads!!!!! We love you in this household and appreciate you for everything you do and sacrifice on our behalf; hurry home safely. Thanks too for all who support you. RT
Chuck asked me to post this...

[12:16:20 PM] Chuck Beach: theres a saying out there that says people can spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world, Marines dont have that problem.... well they put us in some of the roughest conditions we works hours on end for days and sometimes go days without sleep to get the mission accomplished... after a while it takes a toll on you. If it wasnt for the folks back home supporting us i doubt we would be as succesful as we are. it boosts moral when we here from friends and loved ones... to have people like Mr. Newberg that send videos and support the troops it makes a world of difference to us... it gives us something to look forward to when we return back to the states... i cant thank you all enough for all the support you give us... Semper Fi Cpl Beach

Big thanks to the Military Folks for what they do to help us keep our freedom and also to Fin for what he does to keep public hunting alive and kicking.
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