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Thank God that's over

Such as Trump's sexual misconduct. He's no different that Bill Cosby.

Or Bill Clinton. Or Hillary's defense of Bill vice the other women. Or Clarence Thomas.

Stepping back from the hyperbole though, I have yet to hear anything about Donald, Bill Clinton, Hillary or Thomas that rises to the level of the accusations against Cosby.
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Imagine, if you will, a universe where the presumptive prez-elect had not nefariously destroyed evidence...where the prez-elect's husband had not had an 11th hour tarmac "chat' with the AG who tells the FBI to stand down from aggressive investigation....where pay for play impunity is not dismissed with a wet noodle lash by the fourth estate apologista...where all the elephants in the room get equal scrutiny.
Imagine if title of this thread were actually true. We will get one of these two turds in the White House regardless of any alleged or proven crimes/scandals/bad decisions.

James, suck it up, life is not a syllogism, there are far too many variables - hence the need for more data or QUESTIONS. Your reading comprehension is flawed. I never "assumed" or stated Assange was pro Trump.

Kat, suck on this: "James, do you honestly think that there is nothing telling about Trump, his Putin connections or any of his campaign staff that would not be relevant to people making a decision about whether or not he was competent or worthy to be elected president? Yet somehow, "wikileaks" only has proof on Clinton? I don't buy it."


"Why? - because Assange has only been targeting Clinton, check out wikileaks twitter feed, all Clinton, all the time. You want something on Trump and his Putin connections you have to get it from Pussy Riot."

Just curious: You accepted an apology from one who did what you did. Are you offering an apology to Assange?
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I've got some errands to run so, as an addendum to my last, and as an anticipatory argument, I will say this:

That's the risk you took when your illogical two-valued orientation brought an irrelevant value (Trump) into a discussion about one value (Clinton). Had you left Trump out of it, then you would have a point. But you did not. In fact, you did it again with your response to noharleyet re: Trump's document shredding.

As I tried to teach you early on, if you are truly against the two party system, then why, pray tell, do you play their game? “Well, he/she did it too!” It is precisely this kind of thinking which perpetuates the system you say you dislike.

Do you take comfort in knowing you are not alone? Knowing that most Americans do it and have been doing it for decades, if not longer? The two party system is playing you/them like a fiddle.
Are you offering an apology to Assange?


Not advocating contributing to wikileaks, for those that might be confused. Screenshoting proof of Assange's seeking contributions rather than getting what he has out, as I stated.
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No Harley. Should not add fuel to the fire.

Your point with Hiliary and husband were spot on. Thank you!
I'm selling my ALCOA shares & sending a check to Ecuador. ; )

lol, thank you NHY for making me laugh hard, the news this morning was frustrating. I think on that good note, I will turn my computer off, finally install my new motherboard and cpu - process even faster. :)
This just came up a couple hours ago, part of what I expressed concern for before, the Trump Putin connection. If you have been watching the news of what has been going on between the Ukraine and Putin (Ive been watching this for about 4 1/2 years now, Ukraine was a center of former Soviet energy distribution, gas pipelines run through the country, making it prime real estate.), then watch Trumps statements about the Ukraine and Putin, this did not bode well. I know the article gets a bit techy, but a Trump server registered in 2009 has been repeatedly communicating with Alfa Bank server in Moscow. DNS experts found the pattern, corroborated that it was not random, but intentional. They can see the patterns, but do not know what is being communicated. They put it out to other experts and reddit. NYT questioned Alfa Bank about the connection, then the Trump server was disconnected. It came back online 4 days later, renamed to and immediately the communication began again, Alfa Bank would have had to be notified of the address change for the communication to have resumed.

Alfa Bank is connected to Putin. Paul Manafort, previously Trump's campaign manager was an advisor to Putin lackey Victor Yanukovich, who gained the Ukranian presidency back. Alot is finally breaking on this right now. FBI was given documentation, investigating? There seems to be trouble in that direction too.

Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?
Both candidate's Russia relations are troubling. Trumps for the reason you point out.
Hillary wants to shoot down and kill Russian pilots operating at the invitation of the sovereign nation in which they're flying over. ( Syria)

Chug a bottle of tequila, roll the dice and hope you can't recall which puke you voted for.

Or vote 3rd party.
Both candidate's Russia relations are troubling. Trumps for the reason you point out.
Hillary wants to shoot down and kill Russian pilots operating at the invitation of the sovereign nation in which they're flying over. ( Syria)

Chug a bottle of tequila, roll the dice and hope you can't recall which puke you voted for.

Or vote 3rd party.

This ^^.

Russia, Syria, Aleppo.
United States, Iraq, Mosul.
The only difference is the reporting.
This just came up a couple hours ago, part of what I expressed concern for before, the Trump Putin connection. If you have been watching the news of what has been going on between the Ukraine and Putin (Ive been watching this for about 4 1/2 years now, Ukraine was a center of former Soviet energy distribution, gas pipelines run through the country, making it prime real estate.), then watch Trumps statements about the Ukraine and Putin, this did not bode well. I know the article gets a bit techy, but a Trump server registered in 2009 has been repeatedly communicating with Alfa Bank server in Moscow. DNS experts found the pattern, corroborated that it was not random, but intentional. They can see the patterns, but do not know what is being communicated. They put it out to other experts and reddit. NYT questioned Alfa Bank about the connection, then the Trump server was disconnected. It came back online 4 days later, renamed to and immediately the communication began again, Alfa Bank would have had to be notified of the address change for the communication to have resumed.

Alfa Bank is connected to Putin. Paul Manafort, previously Trump's campaign manager was an advisor to Putin lackey Victor Yanukovich, who gained the Ukranian presidency back. Alot is finally breaking on this right now. FBI was given documentation, investigating? There seems to be trouble in that direction too.

Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?

I certainly don't follow Ukraine like you do. However, I remember watching various U.S. MSM "news" outlets do pieces, several years ago, about the house in which the former Ukrainian leader lived. The house was nice and the piece lead the viewer to believe it was his personal residence built with money bilked from the Ukrainian people. It was never refuted, however, that the house may have been owned by Ukrain and merely designed and/or built by and or merely lived in by the head of Ukraine.

Now remember, heretofore, Ukraine had not really been on the radar. This stuff just started popping up for consumption of the American people.

I remember thinking at the time that, using stock footage of old White House behind-the-scenes fluff piece tours done with a view toward pride in American history, the audio could be removed and substituted with the same type of language in the Ukraine piece, making it look like Obama lived in this great mansion with all these servants and antique china, a bowling ally, etc. and then spun to make it look like it was Obama's house. Shown to Russian or Ukrainian people, I can see how they would think Obama owned it.

Shortly after this prepping of the American people (ala the hit pieces on Saddam Hussein before the war in Iraq), low an behold, there arose "protests" in Ukraine, allegedly peaceful, and allegedly home-grown; no western agent provocateurs and no CIA stirring of the pot. The west just stood innocently by and watched events unfold, like an Arab Spring in Eastern Europe. LOL! What a bunch of bull shit.

The Ukrainian leader then brutally put these protests down. Then he was over-thrown by these freedom loving, democracy types in Western Ukraine.

Smells like Asad in Syria to me, only Russia didn't let that happen. And Assad stood his ground. And Russia sent a message to us, and western Ukraine, with Crimea.

We had a cork in the bottle in Iraq, we took it out and look what happened. Assad is a cork. Hell, he was a golden boy, educated in the west, and a rising star after his dad died. But now he's on our shit list. Why? What's he done that we wouldn't do, or that we haven't supported our tin horns in doing under similar circumstances? Don't get me into the whole "his own people BS" because I've got a long rant putting that to bed too.

My point here is this: Anyone who thinks we have clean hands in Ukraine is a dupe. And anyone who thinks we have clean hands in the middle east and the Arab Spring is a dupe. And, where Hillary Clinton's filthy hands are all over it, why would anyone be surprised if people like Putin and Assange and countless others would side with her enemies and political opposition? Doesn't mean they are in bed with Trump. Nor does it mean Trump is in love with them. It could just be a temporary marriage of convenience. And this is all assuming there is some fire behind the smoke you are blowing.

A little off topic, but I also find it funny how the U.S. MSM alleges Russia is meddling in U.S. democracy when they allegedly hacked into the DNC. If, as the DNC loved to rub in Sander's supporters faces, the DNC is not a democracy and not government and can run their rules any damn way they choose, then it seems Russia is just hacking some private organization and not meddling in democracy. If the two-party system is anathema to democracy and the will of the people, then they may have a point.

For all we know, Putin, Assange, et al, are not anti-American and they are not pro-Trump; they are just anti-Hillary. Hillary does not equal America.

End rant.
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Screenshoting proof of Assange's seeking contributions rather than getting what he has out, as I stated.

That is not proof of a "rather than". The two are not mutually exclusive or inconsistent. :rolleyes: The two-valued orientations and false dichotomies are overwhelming.
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