Terrorist attacks, a worrying new trend?

I reread your post, just to make sure I wasn't over reacting.

The quote above, has to be the most, ignorant,close minded thing I've read on this forum.

I agree. This world-class halfwit's mental defection knows no bounds.
Believe what you will. I know that my beliefs are shared by many others both here on this board and on other sites as well. BTW, the history of warfare has proven that you can't be friends with your enemies and the idea of winning the hearts and minds does not work. Don't believe it, ask a Viet Nam Vet!

Rhomas - You are entitled to your own opinions. The same as I, as owner of this private enterprise, am entitled to remove members who advocate something so stupid as to eliminate an entire religious group, 1/5 of the world population, based on their religious belief.

It is about as ignorant and disgusting as any comments ever posted on this board. No other way to put it.

The hypocrisy of your comments is how you often cite your opinions as some basis or notion that these acts are needed to protect the freedoms of America. Evidently, freedom of religion, one of the basic reasons for this Republic coming to existence, no longer applies.

You can say others on this board and elsewhere agree with you. Maybe. I don't agree with you and in the event these kind of idiotic and offensive ideas continue from your keyboard, you will have the opportunity to go find those people on other forums who agree with you.

I don't understand your view of the world, even with my slant as a conservative person who has no tolerance for murderers who use the guise of a religious belief as a front for their personal terror activities. I am done trying to understand your views. From now on, I will ask that you go elsewhere to post such junk.

And yes, this is a promise. The next bigoted, racist, religious-based post you make will be your last on this site.
Question, then Randy. Does that also apply to Devon, Schmalts and sbhooper who seemed to echo some of the same sentiments on this topic? Or am I being singled out because of some particular reason? It certainly appeared from their posts that there was some agreement here.
Thank you BIG FIN.
Well I've had a few tonight and rhomas you are nuts. I'm not a Muslim and I don't know any. But I don't believe all of them are bad.
My mother is a Korean and my father was an American solder. I am, what I think YOU would call a half slope. If that is what you meant by that.

All I'll say is I love this country and all the men that served and died,some of my them my relatives, to make us free.
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Question, then Randy. Does that also apply to Devon, Schmalts and sbhooper who seemed to echo some of the same sentiments on this topic? Or am I being singled out because of some particular reason? It certainly appeared from their posts that there was some agreement here.

Sorry, my one and only post on this topic has nothing to do with your posts. Mine, if you kept up with current events pointed out that Sweden has been under riots and car burnings for over a week by younger immigrants who largely came there via asylum, just as the Boston Bombers, and their parents did here in the US without much questioning of it was lies on the application. Same as the Nigerian Immigrants did in the UK that hacked that poor guy up. Had you looked up what is going on in Sweden you may have made the connection of my post to the original poster of this thread. I don't know how you can say that my post echoed yours, sorry if you think it did.
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Question, then Randy. Does that also apply to Devon, Schmalts and sbhooper who seemed to echo some of the same sentiments on this topic? Or am I being singled out because of some particular reason? It certainly appeared from their posts that there was some agreement here.

Answer, then Rhomas.

No, my comment does not apply to Devon, Schamlts, sbhooper, or anyone else. It applies to you.

If someone else decides they want to use this site for the same small world ideas and opinions you continue to post here, it will apply to them. Anyone reading this who agrees with the comment you made, or some of the past comments you made, should take notice and keep any similar opinions to themselves.

I hope that is completely clear to anyone who is reading this. This is a hunting site. If people want to carry on about their personal bigotries, they can do so on their Facebook page or other sites where such stupidity and ignorance are allowed. It is not going to be allowed here.
Legacy of extermination;


The first of the Crusades began in 1095, when armies of Christians from Western Europe responded to Pope Urban II's plea to go to war against Muslim forces in the Holy Land. After the First Crusade achieved its goal with the capture of Jerusalem in 1099, the invading Christians set up several Latin Christian states, even as Muslims in the region vowed to wage holy war (jihad) to regain control over the region. Deteriorating relations between the Crusaders and their Christian allies in the Byzantine Empire culminated in the sack of Constantinople in 1204 during the Third Crusade. Near the end of the 13th century, the rising Mamluk dynasty in Egypt provided the final reckoning for the Crusaders, toppling the coastal stronghold of Acre and driving the European invaders out of Palestine and Syria in 1291.

Back to devon's topic, and tiptoeing the semantic minefield, how much collateral damage or un pc policy is acceptable to you and I in order to prevent harm to your and my loved ones?
Sorry chaps I wouldn't have raised the thread if I thought It was going to raise these extreme views.
I only intended to bring it to everyone's attention as I thought not all of you were aware what had occurred in the UK and France, I sincerely hope it doesn't happen anywhere else.
It will just inflame the situation if I post on here what else has happened since the attack so I think this can be put to bed.
Legacy of extermination;


Back to devon's topic, and tiptoeing the semantic minefield, how much collateral damage or un pc policy is acceptable to you and I in order to prevent harm to your and my loved ones?

Excellent question. In 1993 I found myself deployed to East Africa and while there I started asking myself, How in the world I did I end up in this Hell hole. The simple answer to a very complex situation was that the whole region had been unstable since Mussolini had decided to put the old Roman Empire back together. The truth is this crap has been going on for Centuries and will most likely continue long after we all are gone.
So for me It boils down to, how do we respond now that it's our turn to deal with this crap. I hope we make better decisions now and in the future then the ones that where made after WWII. I hope we leave the next generations a better chance than was given to us.

Ken my risk assessment is that we must be prepared to lose lives to keep the ''enemy'' on his heels the number required to do that will ebb and flow. The alternative ''See Rhomas's plan above '' is completely unacceptable. His ideas are simplistic and do nothing to make the world a better place.
Sorry chaps I wouldn't have raised the thread if I thought It was going to raise these extreme views.
I only intended to bring it to everyone's attention as I thought not all of you were aware what had occurred in the UK and France, I sincerely hope it doesn't happen anywhere else.
It will just inflame the situation if I post on here what else has happened since the attack so I think this can be put to bed.

Devon I for one would like to hear what you have to say. I would like to know what is being said in the U.K.
I think it's an important discussion and would also like to hear Richard's comments regarding Europe's due diligence methodology.
Back to devon's topic, and tiptoeing the semantic minefield, how much collateral damage or un pc policy is acceptable to you and I in order to prevent harm to your and my loved ones?

Good question. How much are you willing to do in order to prevent radicalized individuals from killing your family and friends. In the last 10 years we traded one type of terrorist for another. In the past we were up against quasi-organized terrorists (old Al Qaeda) to fighting a concept shrouded in and motivated by a perverted form of religion that is now being sown and preached in the very countries it seeks to destroy. This is an insurgency, and just because you haven't witnessed it in Montana, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I would say our future looks more like Israel than anywhere else.

So what do we do? I would say our paradigms surrounding security and how we define an enemy combatant need to be challenged. Boston Bombers = enemy combatant. hyper-radicalized cell of potential terrorists = enemy combatant. The life cycle of this enemy is very short, they full expect to die in the commission of their first act of combat against us. If we aren't aggressive in our hunting of these individuals, and only rely on passive measures to try and detect them, we will continue to see these types of attacks be successful. Resulting in more young radicals being inspired do to more of the same.

This has very little to do with the Prophet Muhammad or his followers. It has to do with hatred, not dissimilar to Rhomas's, but don't fool yourself their hatred exists and we are going to have to confront it. I have spent the last 10 years studying or operating in the Muslim countries where this violence is being exported from, and I can understand that if you haven't personally witnessed these types of acts it can be hard to really internalize what we are up against. In the spring of 2005 I witnessed the results of Al Qaeda replacing kerosene with gasoline in the heating fuel containers being sold in the local market in Jalabad, AFG. The result of this was a family's only heating source exploding, around which they were all huddled (the parents and 3 kids; 8mo-5yrs old). A relative brought them all to our firebase seeking medical care. We determined they all needed to be MEDEVAC'd to Bagram Airbase for care if they were to survive. The 8 month old little girl died in my arms on our LZ with the birds only minutes out. Now if they are willing to commit such barbarism against their own people because they believe they are supporting the central government of their own country, what would they do to you? I will reiterate; this is not a problem with the Muslim people of the world, but with a radical group that cannot be ignored.
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A few days ago when this thread appeared, I was horrified at some of the ignorant comments flying around and felt like I had stepped back into rural Texas or western NE. I am a researcher and part of my research for for over the last 30 years has been of ancient cultures and their transmission through time, specifically those originating in what is now termed the Middle East. I have a background in the Semitic languages (and for those of you who are so ignorant and bigoted to lump a whole religion or race under your hate terminology - this includes Arabic and Hebrew). I have extensive background in the religious books of the 3 connected Abrahamic Faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam and have read them in their original languages - Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic, as well as the latter Greek. They are pretty much one and the same, just like accent differences for different parts of the country.

Those of you that rail against the "sins" of Islam, might want to actually read some US history (KKK), read some bloody news for crying out loud (Westboro Baptist Church). We have child brides right here in the US that are not Muslim - try Mormon. And there still are child betrothals within the Jewish Chassiydic communities. There is not space on this whole forum to list all the refutations to your intentional ignorance and hatemongering.

I was considering not reading or participating at Hunt Talk in the future. Hoped that if I checked back later, some reason would prevail and thankfully, Randy had the courage and control to do something. The sad thing, in my perspective, having read through numerous threads and discussions over a year, even those that I might not participate in, is that this same type of mentality extends not just to a religion or a race, but to other aspects, such as wildlife, predators, hunting styles, etc.

I am not talking about political correctness, because I dont cater to PC. I am talking about respectful discourse and educated perspectives. The Muslims of this thread are the wolves, hunting dogs, grizzly bears or bison of other threads. I have sat in many an FWP meeting or other public meeting involving wildlife and connecting issues in Montana, and heard this same type of violent extremism, like the ranchers at a recent meeting that wanted to kill all the elk, and felt like I had stepped back into the deep south, only it wasnt Blacks they were on about, it was an animal species, but the air was still the same.
and felt like I had stepped back into the deep south, only it wasnt Blacks they were on about, it was an animal species, but the air was still the same.

Very thoughtful post.

While the South definitely has a past to reconcile, you shouldn't feel the need to project your feelings. Montana and the entire Pacific Northwest for that matter have their own past,their own demons,their own wrongs to answer for.
Spook12, I am on my 7th year in Montana, most of my life has been in Texas (military in the early years), so that is my greater frame of reference, but I am learning about Montana and the Pacific Northwests history.
Spook12, I am on my 7th year in Montana, most of my life has been in Texas (military in the early years), so that is my greater frame of reference, but I am learning about Montana and the Pacific Northwests history.

My bad! I stand corrected.
No offense meant, just your post following a couple others earlier in this thread and it was beginning to sound like the South had a Monopoly on hate and narrow mindedness.

This topic may be too in depth to discuss in a forum like this and maybe we should get back to the ''Important'' stuff,like which caliber will drop a critter ''Deader''.
Spook12, I am on my 7th year in Montana, most of my life has been in Texas (military in the early years), so that is my greater frame of reference, but I am learning about Montana and the Pacific Northwests history.

...given your formative longevity in MotherTexas, I fully understand the imperiousness of your comments.:):)

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