
I have always thought the ability to enter and search private property without a warrant should apply to all LEO whether the officer has a picture of an animal on their uniform or not. The exclusion for F&G LEO seems out of sync with our U.S. Constitution that was written by people that had first-hand seen the over-reach of Colonial law under the British and their agents.

If the government can build cases against drug lords within the hurdles of laws applying to legal search warrants then seems F&G can bust a poacher playing by the same rules as DEA and FBI that more often are dealing with national security issues and brutal individuals compared to F&G that tend to deal with crimes against wildlife.

Is the DEA and FBI using F&G's exclusion from obtaining warrants to place cameras on suspected drug criminal's private property and having F&G walk around looking for evidence? F&G: Hey, I thought there were some Canada geese migrating through the Brooklyn shipyard. Oops. I accidentally took a sample of the white powder. My bad. Bygones.
The game belongs to the state. I think the state's right to manage game trumps the landowners right to privacy. They can plant a camera in my bathroom if it helps manage the herd. MNR could probably double their funding if they sold some photos on the net. I'm fine with that too but would like a piece of the action.
The game belongs to the state. I think the state's right to manage game trumps the landowners right to privacy. They can plant a camera in my bathroom if it helps manage the herd. MNR could probably double their funding if they sold some photos on the net. I'm fine with that too but would like a piece of the action.
How's that boot taste?
The game belongs to the state. I think the state's right to manage game trumps the landowners right to privacy. They can plant a camera in my bathroom if it helps manage the herd. MNR could probably double their funding if they sold some photos on the net. I'm fine with that too but would like a piece of the action.
I'm bringing back the dead but this is the most insane thing I have ever heard. The game belongs to the state? WTF? The state belongs to the people. I see that the names Ontario so maybe it just because your from Canada that we see it so different.
I'm bringing back the dead but this is the most insane thing I have ever heard. The game belongs to the state? WTF? The state belongs to the people. I see that the names Ontario so maybe it just because your from Canada that we see it so different.
The game belongs to the people, but with rules. This is a constant problem - how to enforce rules while protecting individual rights.
See results of thread poll, which you replied on https://www.hunttalk.com/threads/law-enforcement-on-public-lands.319508/
If they have reasonable cause, then I am ok with it. Because truth be told, no, I dont have anything to hide. But for them to come onto your private property because they see someone hunting or see flashlights in the woods, then no, I do not feel that they should be allowed to enter the private land.

It's a slippery slope.

There was a huge case on this in PA a few years back. I knew of a couple guys in the club.....there was a reason the game warden was around. Know that.
Does this change from state to state i wonder? As a Weed officer i have the right to go on any land in my jurisdiction if i feel there is a problem out there. I do not need permission to do so. Now i always contact the landowners first before i go out there. Makes the conversations a lot smoother. I also do not want people to start blasting at me because i am out tromping around and they do not know I'm out there.
Does this change from state to state i wonder? As a Weed officer i have the right to go on any land in my jurisdiction if i feel there is a problem out there. I do not need permission to do so. Now i always contact the landowners first before i go out there. Makes the conversations a lot smoother. I also do not want people to start blasting at me because i am out tromping around and they do not know I'm out there.
Yes it's a state by state issue.

SD their not allowed on private property. So commonly they will watch from afar and when you pack up to leave they'll pull you over when you hit a public road.

Haven't played with it much, but next time me and my buddy see it coming we want to pull back onto the private quarter and see what gfp does. I live in the flat land so we see them coming from a mile off. Nothing to hide, but that's not the point, kinda curious what would happen?

Also, I'd be freaking pissed if an officer ruined my opening morning hunt by waking out in the field.
Got something you want to hide from them ?
If the whole covid mess taught us anything it's that some LEOs will abuse their power simply because you allow it. I understand that we simply come from different cultures as well. In the deep south we have a strong conservative values and property rights are among them.P.S. that's probably one of the most communist statements I've ever heard.
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