Caribou Gear

Ted Nugent

Topgun 30-06

Active member
Jun 8, 2009
Allegan, MI
Just got my NRA American Hunter magazine for March and it's time for voting for the new NRA Board of Directors and the Nuge is one of the nominees for election to another term. Any Life Member or regular member with five or more consecutive years can vote for 25 of the 39 persons listed on the ballot. I know how I'm going to vote after the last big rant he was on that was well publicized by the media. There are plenty of reputable persons on the ballot such that I think it's time we put the Nuge out to pasture on his Texas ranch. JMO!!!
Got mine too. Nuge has less likelihood of getting my vote for this election than Hillary or Cruz have of getting my vote later this year.
Larry Craig was another great nominee I noticed while thumbing through a copy of American hunter today.
Accidentally posted on wrong thread about something else, but since I can't figure out how to delete, I'll edit and respond.
I agree. Nugster is a liability to all hunters and gun owners.
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Any thoughts here on Grover Norquist. A friend posted a link about him having "disturbing" ties to radical Islam. I think the source was Glenn Beck so who knows. I rarely know where to go with these things.
I read up on the "controversy" a while ago, so this is from not-so-recent memory. Grover's wife is a Muslim and he's been involved with a couple Islamic charities and outreaches. There are a couple third- or fourth-hand links to shady characters through those efforts, but nothing directly related to Mr. Norquist. It seems like a totally unfair guilt by association conspiracy theory.
Accidentally posted on wrong thread about something else, but since I can't figure out how to delete, I'll edit and respond.
I agree. Nugster is a liability to all hunters and gun owners.

How do you figure that he is a liability? He has always been an outspoken advocate for guns rights and hunting freedom. You rarely hear anything from other NRA board members. Ted takes the gun message to an audience that rarely hears it otherwise.

He hunts for the hunt and not the stupid antlers, he eats what he kills, along with his wife advocates healthy living, does not drink and although getting quite old, still has lots of enthusiasm for shooting and the outdoors. He runs an outstanding camp for kids.

He is a lot like Trump in that he tells the truth whether the politically correct clowns want to hear it or not.

Go Ted!
He is a lot like Trump in that he tells the truth whether the politically correct clowns want to hear it or not.

Go Ted!

Good one.

Despite Ted's low information and incorrect statements, the primary reason he should not be a member of a board of directors that wants to be taken seriously is that, without his fame, his behavior would exclude him for consideration for most entry-level positions in any professional organization. In short, he is a loudmouth prick.
How do you figure that he is a liability? He has always been an outspoken advocate for guns rights and hunting freedom. You rarely hear anything from other NRA board members. Ted takes the gun message to an audience that rarely hears it otherwise.

He hunts for the hunt and not the stupid antlers, he eats what he kills, along with his wife advocates healthy living, does not drink and although getting quite old, still has lots of enthusiasm for shooting and the outdoors. He runs an outstanding camp for kids.

He is a lot like Trump in that he tells the truth whether the politically correct clowns want to hear it or not.

Go Ted!

If Ted would just sit down and discuss things appropriately in an interview like he can do, is one thing. The problem is that he goes bonkers and is a fanatic most of the time and that doesn't help us at all with the fence sitters. Those are the people we need to aim at and we don't need Ted doing it the way he goes crazy when he's center stage. The statement Ted is like Trump really is accurate and if you've watched Trump go off with all kinds of radical rants numerous times on the campaign he stirs up his supporters just like Ted, but what damage is he doing to the fence sitting voters he needs to vote for him to win!

I read everything involving the Norquist petition to remove him from the Board and will be voting no. The reason is that the Committee statement shows that the information in the petition is old news and a recall is only supposed to be something that is fresh within the past year or so. If the Article in the Bylaws used for the petition was better written, it appears the petition shouldn't have even been placed on a ballot. As another member mentioned, it appears that the petitioner did not have any solid evidence and is just using innuendos to ask for a recall.
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Ted will get re-elected on name recognition alone.

I would not argue that statement at all, but I really wonder what some of the higher ups in the NRA are thinking right now after the rant Ted went on last week. I heard cries on several websites that he should be booted out of the NRA for being a very negative anchor to the organization so to speak.
Nugent's a punk, a loudmouth, a liar, a bigot and pretty much just an all around worthless a--hole. He'll probably get re-elected too, but it won't be because of me.

To who ever referred to him and his wife as hunters I strongly disagree. Lots of people kill wildlife and they're hardly hunters. Get Real.
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