Ted Nugent on public lands


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2015
Did anyone see/read the interview that wide open spaces did with Nugent? When asked about public lands, he commented that the government shouldn't own any land and that those lands in private hands would be better taken care of and managed for wild game. I guess as long as draft dodger Ted can buy into some of the Federal BLM & National Forest ground then it's all good.
I think he might be able to afford his own spread or to pay to hunt someone else's spread. Even if he doesn't have the money, some of the rich guys would probably more than love to let him hunt their spreads in return for having him preach to his masses.

Help me out here, but if they came up with the term "green decoy" then what would we call Ted going into the gun-toting muscle truck hunting crowd to get them on board with PLT against their own interests? An American Decoy?
There are a lot of people in this world I can't stand, Nugent is at the top of the list, worthless to the core.
Sounds like he doesn't know that wildlife is managed by the states, not by landowners. Then again, we do have shoulder seasons......
He has always been a dolt as far as a hunter in my book and never a spokesman for me for anything.Never liked his noise either.
An "American Decoy", good one James, hope that one sticks for Uncle Ted...
An "American Decoy", good one James, hope that one sticks for Uncle Ted...


I think it could be used to call out anyone who pretends to be for the American Model of Wildlife Management and/or Public Lands but actually works against them. Got to fight fire with fire. The other side is good at propaganda and defining thier opposition in the eyes of the general public. We need to get just as good.
How dare you criticize a 30-year member of the Board of Directors of the NRA.

Do you hate America, or something?

Nugent is also well known for being a loud and aggressive supporter of gun rights in the United States. Serving on the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association since 1995, Nugent was second only to Oliver North in votes received in the 2010 NRA board elections. In 2008, Nugent was the recipient of $40,000 in fees from the National Rifle Association.

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Nugents an idiot, we already knew that. When you shoot farm animals you don't quite understand public lands.

lots of good nuggets in the link from Fin.

I particulalrly thought this one was great from the 30 Year Member of the Board for the NRA....

3. What’s your view on the government attempting to sell off public land?

As long as we the public have oversight control of the transactions, I believe the government should own no land. All the best conservation is found on private land; the best hunting, fishing, water, habitat, timber, energy and quality air, soil and water is best at the hands of private ownership stewardship. Fedzilla never gets anything right.

And, there you have it, from the Board Member of the NRA.....
And then he goes on to explain that some of his best hunting memories were made in the Uncompahgre National forest... :confused:

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