Sweatin out archery speed goat


New member
Dec 26, 2005
Modoc County, California
My new hunting partner, my wife, found my antelope a couple of weeks ago when we were out scouting. She's pumped up, I'm pumped up and the wait until opener is killing us. Archery opened Saturday and it's killing us! We want to go check on him but dont want to guide a bowhunter to him. Six more days and archery closes I believe we'll be up there twenty minutes before shooting light expires to check on him. This waiting is waaaayyy worse than for draw results to get put up.
Easy does it, Heelerdog. Don't tip your hand just yet. I once started letting out tiny bits of information about where I knew a toad of a blacktail was living.Before you knew it 5 guys were perched deep in his canyon and you almost had to 'buy a ticket and get in line' for an opportunity to hunt this buck. Somebody finally shot him, but it sure wasn't me. I learned the hard way... Never devulge information -not even under threat of painful tourture or after oceans of beers and chasers. If someone asks about a big antelope buck -only smile. NOT A WORD. Good luck.
Patience is a virtue my friend....don't show any and the only thing you'll be stalking around those lava beds is his gutpile :D

the wife still have that buck teathered out by the back fence?? ;)
Dave that was all I was going to say and then Marv went and blew it. Damn you Marv why dont you just post the coordinates and get it over with? Now I have to start scouting all over again. :D Bwahahaha

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