Caribou Gear

SW Montana BLM Resource Management Plan Update

Thanks for sharing this.

Of the many things worth paying attention to with these RMPs, one that I think really needs attention is their disposable lands list (Appendix I in the current RMP).

We all can recall Jason Chaffetz HR 621 and 622, where he proposed selling off the parcels on those lists. When I dug into the Butte RMP, it was pretty astonishing to see the parcels the BLM considered "Disposable". Small parcels that gave access to larger parcels under different public ownership, as well as small parcels that gave access to streams were under consideration for the chopping block in that RMP. The parcel and pond where my daughter caught her first fish was. It was incredibly unacceptable.

I reached out to them and basically got a shrug about it. I know they are understaffed and basically have new staff every couple years. Your best shot an nipping this particular bud is in the RMP process. Thankfully Chaffetz bill and reputation went down in flames with little more than a whimper from the dog he took a picture with.

I don't know that area well, but if I did I would be highly critical of that list. Even parcels currently inaccessible may be accessible in the future, or could serve some other public benefit.

I know there is a ton to consider with RMPs, but that is one aspect I think shouldn't be missed.
I know there is a ton to consider with RMPs, but that is one aspect I think shouldn't be missed.
I'm not at all familiar with this area, but another thing that should be addressed is the ability to close or convert kind of livestock grazed during NEPA renewal for grazing permits, to address resource concerns (wild sheep, sage grouse, cutthroat trout, etc). If that isn't spelled out in the RMP, then it takes an RMP amendment in conjunction with the grazing permit NEPA.

Example: A BLM Field Office in CO is claiming they cannot choose the "no grazing" alternative in an EIS completed for grazing permit renewals because there was no associated RMP revision proposed in the EIS process. They must redo the NEPA and incorporate an RMP revision that could be approved with a no grazing alternative.

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