Supporting the groups who support public lands


Nov 3, 2011
Just think of how many hunters have or will take a hunting trip this fall on our federal public land. Just think if they all supported an organization or two who is engaged and supportive of our public lands. I will admit that I could probably be doing more myself. I belong to RMEF and BHA and usually make annual cash donations to them. I've conveyed my concerns and opinions to my representatives in government. I've given my support to people running for elected office who are supportive of public land.

I think it would be interesting to hear what others are or have done recently to support the public lands we hunt on. How are you involved?
I would like to see a list of groups to help out that haven't taken money from the "wilkes or Kochs " of the world, I foresee outdoor recreationists that want to recreate on public land better start helping out monetarily to the organizations that help the most I guess I am not doing enough, I belong to rmef and nra, forever, I do know I could do more and will do more,,,,
set up a monthly payment to them, thanks for the insight
"Just think of how many hunters have or will take a hunting trip this fall on our federal public land. Just think if they all supported an organization or two who is engaged and supportive of our public lands."

I have said this to many friends, co workers, family, people I know that hunt and many of them do not support any conservation group...not one...they dont have the extra money they say. Sad especially in this time of war.

How many quys do you know that drive new trucks, hauling their camping trailers/4 wheelers/UTV's, they have nice optics, firearms, wear Sitka/Kuiu/designer hunting clothing, have all the top hunting gadgets and can't contribute one damn dime to a conservation group that fights for what they love....I know there are limits to the money the average hunting joe can spend but come on, not even one group and most are around $25 a year which is tiny when you consider the cost of hunting.
Just think of how many hunters have or will take a hunting trip this fall on our federal public land. Just think if they all supported an organization or two who is engaged and supportive of our public lands. I will admit that I could probably be doing more myself. I belong to RMEF and BHA and usually make annual cash donations to them. I've conveyed my concerns and opinions to my representatives in government. I've given my support to people running for elected office who are supportive of public land.

I think it would be interesting to hear what others are or have done recently to support the public lands we hunt on. How are you involved?

I support BHA, RMEF, and DU. (You cant support them all so I chose a few) I am adding PWLA to my list. I try to educate people who really have no idea of what is going on with public lands. I frequently post public land issue articles to social media. I have made my voice known to my representatives in government. and most off all me and my family with vote accordingly this November. I have gotten a few people on board with who they should be voting for with regard to who will protect public land. These forums are another great way to spread the word.
Yeah, but DU has no dog in the fight of stream access/public lands, or so they say...
If your priorities are for increased and enhanced habitat for and maintained and improved access to the wildlife you value and hunt, then the best investments are to RMEF and PLWA (at least in Montana).
Shameless plug for Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. Great chance to take part in action alerts sending messages to key people, being counted and having your voice heard. "We guarantee all Americans quality places to hunt and fish by uniting and amplifying our partners’ voices to strengthen federal policy and funding"
Thank you Rob.

I would like to share some perspective, having done some graphic work for some local organizations. Aside the cost for creating the graphic -

Let's say they take out a magazine or newspaper ad to gain awareness, which costs about $800 (that's if they give the price break because you are a non-profit). Let's say that your base memberships are $20, PLWA's for example. If they are a smaller organization relying on memberships primarily, they would have to receive 40 new memberships just to pay for running one ad in one publication. On top of that, let's just say, that the volunteer organization uses the bulk of their contributions for legal fees (hint, hint), we are talking attorneys/specialists that charge hundreds of dollars by the hour.

Just throwing out some hypothetical examples. ;)
Does PayPal charge organizations like yours a flat transaction fee for each donation? I've been doing monthly but maybe a quarterly payment would result in more money getting to the cause.
Paypal charges a transaction fee + a % fee. It is less for a non-profit ( I have set up some organizations paypal accounts for them).30 per transaction and 2.2% processing. I am not a non-profit, so mine is a bit higher. It is .30 per transaction and 2.9% for their processing cut.
Good thread and a nice reminder of how fortunate we (currently) are to be able to hunt on public lands. I support BHA through annual membership, random donations, attendance at events, volunteering to host tables at film tours and by being an active recruiter to the Idaho chapter. And I try to give BHA a plug anytime I have a public speaking opportunity (next one is Wednesday at Lewis & Clark College). I also support TRCP through membership and/or buying apparel.

Another tool I like to use is to use hashtags such as #keepitpublic and #publiclandsproud when posting to Instagram and Facebook. I have had several non-hunting friends remark to me that they had no idea that public lands were under attack until they began to notice that I always seemed to mention them in my social media posts. I am not saying social media does much actual good, but it may serve to move the needle of the social conscious just a little bit. And perhaps that will get the snowball rolling enough to gain critical momentum at some point.
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