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Superbowl party!


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Anyone having one? I am having my 5th annual party at the house. Anyone regulars here are welcome to come...:D
It would be fun to post pictures of our parties on monday to see who looks like they will be in the worst shape on Monday..
I might have a Little Gathering... Not much Booz is drank at my parties though, I'm a light weight :p I'll take a picture though !!
We have had one for the last 6 or 7 years, this year it's Gumbo and Deer Wraps and about 40 or 45 people. Luckily we have two Dens, one for the women and one for the men! The Kids just hang around outside and usually by the time the thing starts all the Teenagers have called someone and it gets kinda Huge. Hope everyone has a great time. John
Depends on the teams...this year just going to my brothers yell at the TV...Not a huge N.F.L fan.... Have a black friend who calls it the SUPERBOW.:)
One thing about football parties, gambling on the spread removes all objectivity.
I dont allow kids at my party. I tell the parents if they cannot ditch the kids the rugrats have to stay upstairs and watch movies with the other kids. Only time they are allowed to venture downstairs is to fetch a drink for one of the adults that are keeping an eye on the rats
I go to my brother's house every year. He was really bent last year and kept screaming that they gave the Super Bowl to the Steelers. I'm responsable for bringing my own beer on ice (I try to avoid the hard stuff), along with 3 dozen or so Pacific oysters for us to toast on the Webber. I might attempt to post a photo of our party during half time.
Speaking of Half Time, what's this I hear about -urk... glug... wheeze, errrggg- P R I N C E doing the half time show? GHADD...Just what I wanna see: some emaciated, goofy-lookin', over-rated, funny-dressin' goofball wiggling all over the TV screen. What's-a matter?... Hank Williams Jr. couldn't make it?
Still, I've got to admit... he's written a few decent songs that actually sound good. Prince's mistake is in thinking that he's actually a guitarist who can dance. I'd rather stare at my cat's rear end than watch Prince "perform."
Why do i have a vision of moosie dancing around at halftime to "Lets go crazy"
Weak teams, weak ballgame, weak halftime, weak national anthem and weak commercials. Total flop!
Talk about politics & economics!! How in the hell do they give the MVP to Manning?
Dominic Rhodes had a monster game!!
It was the running game, not Peyton, that took the Colts to victory!! :eek:
You can see Prince at RIO in Vegas...Great show... FunkinBluesMaster... the dude can play that AX... Hell even the rain couldn`t short out that guitar... HE ROCKS!hump
Caribou Gear

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